• Patience 耐心

    14-11-27 My friend and I were busy mending fences when my house-keeper arrived. Several times during the day, she drove out, returning 45 minutes later. Feeling curious, my friend asked her: Where do you keep going? Some darn birds built a nest in my car bum...

  • 乌拉圭总统破旧甲壳虫座驾价值百万

    14-11-10 President Jose Mujica says he has received a million-dollar offer to buy his blue 1987 Volkswagen Beetle, which has become a symbol of the Uruguayan leader's austere lifestyle. 乌拉圭总统穆吉卡日前称,已有人出一百万美元的高价购买其破旧的座驾。这辆19...

  • 高科技贴纸可提醒车主移车

    14-11-05 Now a high-tech car sticker that's designed to be stuck to a car's windscreen, could help motorists avoid being fine or clamped by allowing a traffic warden to get in touch with them. 近日推出的一款高科技TowStop贴纸可提醒车主移车,让车子逃出警察的魔...

  • 飞行汽车:汽车发展的未来?

    14-10-30 A new and improved flying car prototype that its inventors hope will revolutionise the transport industry was unveiled on Tuesday (October 29) in Vienna at the Pioneers festival. 一辆改良新型飞行汽车样品本周二在维也纳先锋音乐节上亮相,发明家们希望借...

  • He walks everywhere he goes 耶稣从不开车

    14-09-24 A young man came home and said, Dad, I just got my driver's license and would like to use the family car. Father replied, Ok, son, But, first, you have to get good grades in school, keep your room clean, make the yard neat, and cut your hair. Come b...

  • 趣闻:大象用小轿车挠痒痒

    14-08-09 当地时间2014年8月6日,南非的一名野外导游拍到这样的画面,一头大象利用一辆小轿车在挠痒痒。这辆大众保罗汽车内共有两名乘客,他们驾车在当地一条野外公路上行驶时被一头非洲象拦住了去路。大象在逼停了这辆车后便不停地用身子蹭用车辆的顶部和阀盖来解痒。车内的两...

  • A Car Thief 盗车贼

    14-08-05 A man has a long history of stealing cars. When he did it again, he was caught by the police. The prosecutor asked him, Now tell the court how you came to take that car. To defend himself, the man said, The car was parked by a cemetery. I thought th...

  • Twelve Minute Cab Ride

    14-07-21 Penn Station, I told the cab driver. The young, heavy-set man peered at me through his sunglasses and motioned me to get in. I've got to get to JFK airport by 2:30PM. You think I'll be able to get there via LIRR (Long Island Rail Road ) or should I...

  • Mr Brown and his Car 布朗先生和他的汽车

    14-07-18 Mr.Brown lives in a small town, but then he gets a job in a big city and moves there with his wife and his two children. On the first Sunday in their new home, Brown takes his new car out of the garage and washes it. A neighbor comes by. When he see...

  • 南非工人罢工影响汽车制造业

    14-07-15 A two week-old strike by South Africa's metal workers is beginning to take its toll on manufacturing. 南非金属工人为期两周的漫长罢工开始对制造业造成损失。 Japanese car maker Toyota will halt production at its Durban assembly plant from Tuesday as th...