• 地中海饮食连续四年被评为最佳饮食

    21-01-25 The Mediterranean dietinspired by the cuisines of Spain, Italy and Greecehas been named the best overall diet by US News World Report for the fourth consecutive year. 地中海饮食源自西班牙、意大利和希腊的饮食,连续四年被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为最佳...

  • 皮肤癌:黑色素瘤晚期存活率过半

    20-11-21 英国医生们说,十年前皮肤癌被认为是不治之症,但现在,超过半数的患者都可以活下来。 There has been a staggering transformation in the treatment of melanoma. Ten years ago the disease was considered untreatable once it had spread round the body. People...

  • 验血 “可以检测50多种癌症”

    20-11-21 科学家们说,有一种新型血液检查常在患者表现出任何征兆或症状前就能检测出50多种癌症。专家们希望,当肿瘤仍处于易被医治或能被完全治愈的阶段时,这项检查可帮助医生们提前诊断出肿瘤的存在。 Doctors already have ways to screen for cancer, but a single blood t...

  • 科学家完成全部癌症基因组的全面研究

    20-02-11 By completing the most comprehensive study of whole cancer genomes to date, an international team of scientists has garnered deeper understanding of cancer, paving the way for more effective treatment, the Wellcome Sanger Institute said on Wednesday...

  • 近两年6种抗癌新药获批上市

    19-08-06 Six new medicines for the treatment of malignant tumors have been approved to enter the Chinese market in the past two years, offering more choices for patients, according to the Department of Major Science and Technology Project of the Ministry of...

  • 中国将更多抗癌药纳入医疗保险报销

    19-03-14 China is considering adding more anti-cancer drugs to its list of medicines eligible for medical insurance reimbursement, in an effort to reduce the burden on patients. 中国正在考虑将更多的抗癌药加入医疗保险报销名单,以减轻病人的负担。 Apart from ca...

  • 2018中国18种抗癌新药获批

    19-02-20 Chinas National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) approved 18 new cancer medicines in 2018, up 157 percent on 2017, said an NMPA official Tuesday. 中国国家药品监督管理局一位官员周二表示,2018年有18种抗癌新药获批准,比2017年增长157%。 Cancer med...

  • 国内各大医院铺货新抗癌药

    19-01-11 The latest 17 cancer drugs included in Chinas national basic medical insurance program in October are now available in more than half of all major hospitals in the country, Fridays China Daily reported. 《中国日报》周五报道,十月加入国家基本医疗保险...

  • 李嘉诚向澳洲癌症实验捐款325万美元

    18-11-27 The founder of Chinas Hong Kong-based industry conglomerate CK Hutchison Holdings, Li Ka-shing, has donated 4.5 million Australian dollars (3.25 million U.S. dollars) to a world-first immunotherapy trial in Australia. 香港长江和记实业创始人李嘉诚向...

  • 国家医保局:17种抗癌药物纳入医保报销目录

    18-10-10 China has included 17 cancer drugs on the medical insurance list, the countrys state medical insurance administration announced on Wednesday. 中国国家医保局周三宣布,将17种抗癌药物纳入医保报销目录。 The price of the 17 drugs dropped 56.7 percent ave...