• have a foot in both camps 脚踏两只船

    22-08-29 脚踏两只船,中文俗语,字面意思是have ones feet in two boats,比喻跟不同阵营的两方面都保持关系(to be connected to two groups with opposing interests),可翻译为have a foot in both camps。 如今,脚踏两只船一般用来形容玩弄他人感情、同时维持多段恋爱关...

  • have a foot in both camps 脚踏两条船

    22-08-26 我今天首先要问一下喜欢养宠物的朋友,在猫和狗中间,你更喜欢哪个呢?有些朋友会说,狗通人性,绝不养猫。另外一些朋友则会说,猫聪明美丽,绝不养狗。但是肯定也会有些宠物爱好者是,have a foot in both camps. Camp是阵营的意思。 To have a foot in both camps,...

  • 法国将驱逐国内的罗姆人出境

    10-08-19 France is to begin deporting Roma (Gypsies) as part of a crackdown on illegal camps in the country. 作为对非法聚居地进行镇压行动的一部分,法国开始驱赶境内的罗姆人(吉普赛人)。 Critics say the evictions could lead to a rise in xenophobia among the F...

  • 海地将在首都周围安置40万灾民

    10-01-22 Haiti is planning to house 400,000 earthquake survivors in new tented villages outside the capital, Port-au-Prince, officials have announced. 海地政府计划在首都太子港外围新建的帐篷村落安置40万地震灾民。 At least 500,000 people are living in improvis...
