• 水淹七军

    11-11-07 This is a story from Three Kingdoms. Cao Cao appointed Yu Jin as the chief commander in charge of the southern expedition, together with Pang De in the vanguard(前锋) . They led seven armies to rescue Fancheng City. When Guan Yu of Shu learned thi...

  • 苦肉计

    11-09-15 This is a story from Three Kingdoms that happened before the Battle of Chibi. One night, Zhou Yu was thinking hard in his tent about how to defeat Cao Cao's army, when Huang Gai came in. He suggested attacking with fire. Well, it's exactly what I me...

  • 德国纳粹嫌疑犯近日死亡

    10-11-23 A Nazi suspect indicted on charges of involvement in the murders of 430,000 Jews at Belzec death camp has died in Germany aged 89. 一名涉嫌在贝尔泽克集中营参与谋杀43万犹太人的纳粹嫌疑分子在德国死亡,终年89岁。 Samuel Kunz was accused of being a guar...

  • 儿童参加减肥夏令营 效果显著

    10-05-07 A residential summer weight-loss camp markedly improved obese(肥胖的) children's health, a study in the April edition of Pediatrics(小儿科) reports. A Saint Louis University physician found the camp improved children's weight, body mass index (...

  • 苏丹绞死6名喀土穆暴动者

    10-01-15 Six Sudanese men have been executed for their part in a riot at a refugee camp in Khartoum in 2005. 六名苏丹男子因参与2005年喀土穆难民集中营的暴乱事件而被处以绞刑。 The riot took place just as the civil war was ending The men were held responsible f...

  • 美国遣返12名关塔那摩湾囚犯

    09-12-21 The US has transferred 12 detainees from its Guantanamo Bay prison camp to Afghanistan, Yemen and the Somaliland region, the Justice Department says. 美国司法部称,美国已将12名关塔那摩湾囚犯转移至阿富汗、也门和索马里地区。 President Obama has pledge...

  • 律师称,Demjanjuk案件审理有双重标准

    09-12-01 A lawyer for John Demjanjuk, accused of helping to murder 27,900 Jews at a Nazi death camp, has accused German prosecutors of double standards. John Demjanjuk的一位律师,现已起诉德国公诉人实行双重标准。据悉John Demjanjuk涉嫌在纳粹死亡集中营中帮助谋...

  • 再见了,“阅兵村”!

    09-10-17 10月5日,近五千名徒步方队受阅官兵在出色完成国庆大典阅兵任务后,悄无声息地离开了沙河阅兵村。据悉,装备方队也通过各种交通方式陆续踏上了归途。所有受阅部队将于10月10日回撤完毕。 为尽量减少部队机动给首都交通和市民出行带来影响,阅兵官兵都把回撤时间安排在...

  • UN warning over displaced Tamils 联合国警告妥善安置坦米尔人

    09-09-19 A senior UN envoy says the situation in Sri Lankan camps for Tamils displaced by the recent war is putting reconciliation at risk. 一位联合国高级特使称斯里兰卡坦米尔人聚居区因最近战乱而使和解处于危险。 Sri Lanka says it needs money to help displaced...

  • Shanghai kids' sex-ed camp fails to excite: report 上海首家

    09-08-22 上海第一家性教育夏令营本周正式亮相,营员大多年龄介于8岁到13岁不等。但这次夏令营只有6名男孩参加,缺少了女孩团。这家民间组织的夏令营为期三天,向每个营员收取人民币2,880元。教育和卫生专家提醒,由于家长们羞于与子女谈性,中国亟需关注未婚男女青年的性教育...