• 会跳钢管舞的机器人

    15-05-17 Technology shows such as the annual E3 games conference in Los Angeles have become known for their scantily clad 'booth babes' designed to attract people to stands. 在洛杉矶,一年一度的E3游戏展以穿着暴露的展品模特儿闻名。 However, a Dutch firm has t...

  • 《指环王》摄影师安德鲁·莱斯尼因心脏病离世

    15-04-29 Andrew Lesnie, the cinematographer for The Lord of the Rings trilogy, died on Monday after suffering a fatal heart attack. He was 59. 《指环王》三部曲的摄影师安德鲁莱斯尼周一因心脏病离世,享年59岁。 The filmmaker from Sydney, Australia, won an Acade...

  • 可以自行供电的摄像头

    15-04-16 A research team led by Shree K. Nayar, T.C. Chang Professor of Computer Science at Columbia Engineering, has invented a prototype video camera that is the first to be fully self-powered -- it can produce an image each second, indefinitely, of a well...

  • selfie stick 自拍杆

    15-03-16 A selfie stick is a monopod used to take selfie photographs by positioning a smartphone or camera beyond the normal range of the arm. The metal sticks are typically extensible, with a handle on one end and an adjustable clamp on the other end to hol...

  • duck face 嘟嘴照

    15-02-15 All of our worst nightmares have been realized. The term duck face has gained the legitimacy that can only be awarded by an entry into OxfordDictionaries.com, meaning that frenemie of yours that keeps quacking it up for the camera can continue to do...

  • 新款服装可让名人摆脱狗仔偷拍

    15-01-19 Celebrities may finally have a way to ward off unwanted street photographers' roving camera lenses once and for all thanks to a clever new clothing collection which is designed to ruin any images taken using flash photography. 一款最新的服装系列或许...

  • photato 上镜的土豆

    14-10-15 Photato (Photogenic Potato) refers to someone that looks good in a photo, but looks ugly in person. 上镜的土豆指的就是那些本人长得并不出众,却很上镜的人。 She might be someone with a small face, or a slim body, or someone who is relaxed with the cam...

  • 高分辨率相机有助及早发现皮肤癌

    14-10-08 Melanoma is the fifth most common cancer type in the United States, and it's also the deadliest form of skin cancer, causing more than 75 percent of skin-cancer deaths. If caught early enough though, it is almost always curable. Now a camera, capabl...

  • photo-taking impairment effect 拍照效应

    14-07-22 A psychology professor suggests that as people take more photos, they experience less and remember fewer details about what they had taken photos of. This is what she called a photo-taking impairment effect . 一位心理学家指出,人们拍的照片越多,他们...

  • 人们拍照片越多 感受和体验就越少

    14-05-30 一位心理学家指出,人们拍的照片越多,他们感受和体验的就越少,对拍照目标的细节也记得越模糊,她将其称为拍照效应。她说,在公园里给孩子拍照的那些家长,其实当时更不关心孩子,因为他们正在关心拍照这件事。结果,这些父母失去了拍照的那些时光。 Los Angeles blog...