• 10个好用又好看的拍照姿势

    21-04-26 1. The Leaning 斜靠 Lean against a wall, or a railing. Its a great pose if you happen to see a nice wall with interesting textures or bright colors. 背靠或者斜靠着墙,栏杆也不错。如果见到一堵纹理或颜色很有趣的墙,这个姿势的效果会很好。 2. Turn Back...

  • 手机拍照的流行对传统相机市场的影响

    21-01-07 智能手机的普及和社交媒体平台的出现让人们更加方便地拍摄并分享自己生活中的点点滴滴。如今,还有人会去购买传统的照相机吗?新技术的发明是否意味着传统摄影将被推出历史舞台? We all love to take photographs. Its a simple way to capture a special moment, an...

  • 你真上相!

    20-10-15 1. You look great on camera! 你很上镜! 搭配on camera的意思是在镜头前,影片中或照片上,所以这句话可以用来称赞他人很上镜。 2. You are very photogenic. 你非常上相。 这里用到了形容词photogenic,它通常用来指某人在照片中或影片中很好看,也就是平时说的上镜...

  • 华为发布Nova4

    18-12-18 Chinese communications giant Huawei has released a new smartphone series, the Nova 4, which features a hole-punch display and 48-megapixel camera. 中国通讯巨头华为发布新款智能手机Nova4,该机配备创新极点全面屏以及4800万后置超广角三摄。 The diameter o...

  • 莫斯科车站为游客指明自拍地点

    18-05-26 World Cup visitors arriving at Moscow railway stations will not have to look far for the perfect spot to take a selfie, as platforms and ticket halls will soon have special labels marking out the ideal camera angle. 到达莫斯科火车站的世界杯游客不必...

  • 美国公司发布一款无比安全的智能钱包

    17-08-04 Armenian-based startup Volterman has recently unveiled a smart wallet that takes security to the extreme. It comes with a built-in alarm system, a GPS tracker, and even a front facing camera that takes photos of whoever tries to open it, and sends t...

  • camgirl 网络女主播

    17-03-22 Camgirl is a girl or young woman who broadcasts live pictures of herself over the web. 网络女主播指的是在网上做视频直播的女孩儿或者年轻女性。 In the past couple of years there has been an online explosion in the number of personal Webcam sites. More...

  • 如何用手机拍出好看的食物照片

    16-05-17 1. Dont overcrowd the shot Dont try and capture too much in a single image, especially if its going to be cropped and uploaded to Instagram anyway. Focus on a key area, such as the sheen of an egg yolk or a steaks pink centre, but not so closely a v...

  • 可以拍摄动画照片的APP

    15-07-17 A new app promises to revolutionise the way we take pictures, creating hypnotic animated loops of everyday snapshots to be shared on social media. 一个新应用程序立志要颠覆我们的拍照方式,称可以创建一种能在社交媒体上共享的日常快照动画。 Phhhoto launc...

  • 白宫取消拍照禁令

    15-07-06 The White House has announced plans to allow visitors to take photos and use social media during public tours of the building for the first time in 40 years. 美国白宫宣布,公众参观白宫可以拍照并上传至社交媒体。这是白宫40年来首次取消拍照禁令。 In pre...