• 奥巴马演讲 Remarks on Cabinet Meeting

    10-06-27 Well, we just finished up a Cabinet meeting with obviously a very wide-ranging agenda. One of the first things we talked about was the progress that were making in terms of(依据,按照) growing the economy again. Weve now seen five straight months...

  • 英内阁将集体减薪5%

    10-05-22 Britain's new coalition government cut its own pay by five percent on Thursday in a sign of the tough medicine the country faces to bring down a record budget deficit. 英国新一届联合政府于上周四决定,全体内阁成员将集体减薪5%,为削减英国目前面临的巨...

  • 英新首相禁止内阁会议时使用手机

    10-05-16 Britain's new Prime Minister David Cameron on Thursday banned the use of mobile phones at cabinet meetings in a bid to ensure his top team stay focused on the challenges facing them, his spokeswoman said. 英国新任首相大卫卡梅伦的一位女发言人日前称,...

  • 尼日利亚领导乔纳森解散内阁

    10-03-18 Nigeria's acting president, Goodluck Jonathan, has dissolved the country's cabinet. 尼日利亚代理总统乔纳森解散了国家的内阁。 Mr Jonathan became acting president in February amid the continuing illness of President Umaru Yar'Adua. Mr Yar'Adua went to...

  • 智利新总统皮内拉亲自提名内阁成员

    10-02-10 Chile's president-elect Sebastian Pinera has named his cabinet, leaving out any figures linked with the former military ruler, Augusto Pinochet. 智利新当选的总统塞巴斯蒂安皮内拉亲自任命内阁成员,将任何与前军队统治者奥古斯托皮诺切特有关联的人物统统排...

  • 尼日利亚内阁成员就总统去留问题产生分歧

    10-02-05 Nigeria's information minister has urged cabinet colleagues to accept that President Umaru Yar'Adua is no longer fit to lead, a BBC source confirms. 一条BBC消息证实,尼日利亚新闻部长呼吁内阁成员接受总统雅阿杜阿已不能担任领导的事实。 Dora Akunyili: P...

  • 尼日利亚内阁将决定病重总统的去留问题

    10-01-25 The Nigerian cabinet has been ordered by the federal court to decide within 14 days if ill President Umaru Yar'Adua is fit to lead the country. 尼日利亚联邦法院下令内阁在14天之内就总统亚拉杜瓦能否继续领导国家进行评估。 President Umaru Yar'Adua has b...

  • 以色列为约旦河西岸定居者启动新的资金支持

    09-12-14 There has been anger in settlements over the building curb The Israeli cabinet has decided to include some West Bank约旦河西岸 settlements in a national scheme that will entitle them to millions of dollars' worth of funds. They are being designated...

  • 尼泊尔在珠穆朗玛峰上召开会议

    09-12-04 Nepalese ministers have held a cabinet meeting on Mount Everest to raise awareness of the effects of climate change. 尼泊尔大臣们在珠穆朗玛峰上召开了一次内阁会议,以此提高人们对环境变化影响的认知。 Nepalese ministers arrived at base camp in a fleet...

  • 马尔代夫举行水下内阁会议

    09-10-31 马尔代夫总统近日在首都北部一处20英尺(约合6米)深的海域举行了世界上首个水下内阁会议,希望以此引起世界各国对全球变暖问题的关注。这次水下内阁会议进行了30分钟,出席会议的内阁成员们都穿着专业潜水衣围坐在一个马蹄形的桌子旁边通过白板和手势互相交流。据称,...