• 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-1》第5章

    22-12-22 Alice backed away from the Oraculum, shaking her head. Thats not me, she said. She refused to believe it. It was more impossible than any of the impossible things her father had ever believed before breakfast. I know! the Dormouse agreed. She flappe...

  • can't stand the sight of 见不得,受不了

    22-12-01 表达 cant stand the sight of someone or something 的意思是 非常受不了某人或某物,看着就讨厌。 例句 I cant stand the sight of our old sofa. Its so ugly. 我看见咱们的旧沙发就烦。它太难看了。 My little brother cant stand the sight of spiders. Hes terri...

  • 电影不好看的一些征兆

    22-01-21 01 台词雷人 If the character points out something that is blatantly obvious. In a world where one man has to save the world. Man: I have to save the world. 角色台词都是废话。比如在一个英雄拯救世界的剧情里,英雄这样说:我必须拯救世界。 Starts with to...

  • high-flyer 抱负极高的人

    22-01-04 A high-flyer 是在指事业上有极高抱负的成功职业人士。 例句 Daniel is such a high-flyer. Hes only 31 years old and hes already the financial director of the company. My brother is a high-flying businessman and travels all over the world. 请注意 另外有...

  • to add insult to injury 雪上加霜

    21-12-02 Insult 的意思是侮辱,injury 的意思是受伤。To add insult to injury 的字面意思是受伤了还被侮辱,实际含义是雪上加霜、在伤口上撒盐。人们常用它来表示气愤的心情。 例句 My brother said my clothes were shabby, and then to add insult to injury, he suggested...

  • turn into a pumpkin 该回家睡觉了

    21-12-02 Turn into a pumpkin 变成南瓜是一个幽默的说法,在日常对话中常用来暗示时间已晚,是时候回家睡觉了。另外,这个表达后面还可以接具体时间来说明某人通常几点睡觉。 习语 turn into a pumpkin 来自童话《灰姑娘》,故事中仙女的魔法在午夜时分准时消失,所以灰姑娘乘...

  • 会唱歌的白骨 3

    21-10-04 The older brother was jealous of his little brother for catching the boar. The older brother dragged the sleeping younger brother and threw him below the bridge, where he died. 哥哥很嫉妒弟弟能抓住野猪。哥哥把睡着的弟弟拖出去,将他扔到桥下摔死了。 A...

  • 会唱歌的白骨 2

    21-10-04 Thank you. You have truly a kind heart. Take this net. When the boar appears, throw it at him right away. The younger brother thanked the dwarf. He carried the net and walked into the forest looking for the boar. 谢谢你。你真是个心地善良的人。带上这...

  • New Year's resolution 新年决心

    21-09-10 A New Years resolution 就是新年决心,希望能在未来一年中得以实施。 例句 Have you made any New Years resolutions? I want to lose weight and get fit. My mums New Years resolution is to stop smoking. Lets make it our New Years resolution to run a marath...

  • to tower over 高过、胜过

    21-08-30 短语 to tower over 的意思高过、胜过某人或某物。 例句 Joan towers over her husband when she wears her smart high heel shoes. The new skyscraper towers over the buildings downtown. 请注意 短语 a tower of strength 可用来形容在关键时刻可信赖和依靠的人。...