• fall out 反目

    21-08-19 反目,汉语词语,字面意思是翻眼相看,比喻由和睦变为不和睦,翻脸变成仇敌。可以翻译为fall out,表示have a breach in relations。成语反目成仇可以翻译为fall out and become enemies。 例句: 我不想为这点小事儿和你反目。 I dont want to fall out with you over...

  • 人们身边的网络安全隐患

    21-01-07 近来,网络安全对于个人和企业来说都是一个不可忽视的问题。每个建立了网络连接的用户都面临着一个真实存在的危险 被黑客攻击,比如受到数字病毒的感染或某种形式的数据盗窃。然而说来也怪,在大多数情况下,威胁网络安全的始作俑者并不是计算机本身,而是使用互联网的...

  • Beautifulpeople.com百万用户隐私数据遭泄露

    16-05-02 Beautifulpeople.com, an elite dating website for the exclusively good looking, has reportedly had the private data of more than 1 million users leaked. Beautifulpeople.com是仅对美貌人士开放的精英相亲交友网站,据报道,其一百多万用户的隐私数据遭到泄露...

  • 12个方法让你变得对异性更有吸引力 下

    16-01-21 Guys should pick up a shirt with a T (we're not kidding). Researchers at Nottingham Trent University found that when men wore white t-shirts with a large black letter T printed on the front, women found them 12% more attractive. The scientists sugge...

  • 数据损失可能招致高达50万英镑罚款

    10-01-13 The Information Commissioner's Office will be able to issue fines of up to 500,000 for serious data security breaches. 信息专员办公室将有权就重大数据安全漏洞签发高达50万英镑罚款。 The new statute was laid before Parliament on 12 January. The new rul...
