• 跟baby相关的习语和表达 上

    22-04-25 1.baby-kisser 从字面上看,该词是吻婴儿的人。但实际上这是送给政坛人士的一种特别称谓,即政客的别名。Baby-kisser们为了争取民众支持、捞取选票,不惜花大量的时间与精力去讨好民众,时时刻刻笑脸相迎,见到母亲们抱着baby时也会故作姿态抢过baby来kiss一番,以示与...

  • Hey Jokester, Leave Us Blondes Alone

    22-03-09 Q: Why couldnt the blonde write the number ELEVEN? A:Because she didnt know which one came first! Q: How can you confuse a blonde? A: Put her in a round room and tell her to sit in the corner. Q: How do blonde brain cells die? A:Alone. Q: What did t...

  • 如何让手机电池性能保持最优

    22-03-03 你是不是习惯把手机电量充到100%或者是让手机连续充电一整夜?你可能没有意识到,这种做法其实正在缩短电池的寿命。如果不想让自己的手机电池早早报废,下面这些小贴士一定要记牢。 DONT: Burn out your battery 错误做法:屏幕常亮、频繁关闭应用、过冷过热 You might...

  • screw one's brain 使人筋疲力尽

    22-02-28 screw作动词可以形容: 1拧紧: Screw down the lid fairly tightly. 把盖子拧到很紧。 2把(脸、眼睛等)扭曲成(某表情) He screwed his face into an expression of mock pain. 他把他的脸扭曲成假痛苦状。 拧紧brain(大脑),在这里就有使人筋疲力尽的意思。...

  • 用拳击对抗帕金森病

    22-02-23 This is training for the body and the brain. 这是对身体和大脑的训练。 Tommy set up Rock Steady Boxing club three years ago. He trained in America, where the clubs for people with Parkinsons first began. 三年前,汤米成立了 稳如磐石(Rock Steady) 拳...

  • 为什么冬天起床更困难

    21-12-01 进入寒冷的冬季,很多人都有早上起床困难的问题。不管闹钟响了几次,总是感觉睡不醒,被窝里面好暖好舒服,哪里都不想伸出来。 这是咋回事儿?难道一到冬天,人也会像有些动物一样需要冬眠吗?今天我们就从科学角度详细说说,为什么冬天起床更困难。 A study conducted...

  • 我们为什么会忘事?

    21-11-12 大脑总是在忙着储存信息,但有时候,我们却很难回想起事情。你听说过 门口效应 吗? How is your memory? Remembering things is an important function of our brain if we cant recall how to do something, we cant survive. If you think about it, there is so mu...

  • 早期婴儿治疗可减少自闭症确诊人数

    21-11-11 一项小型研究发现,培训家长如何对出现自闭症早期症状的婴儿作出反应,可以将三岁儿童中被确诊患有自闭症的数量减少三分之二。 The first two years of a babys life are critical for brain development. In this study, parents were given video-based tips on how...

  • 英国首场 “禁止头球” 的足球赛

    21-10-14 Kicking off the game, former Middlesbrough defender Bill Gates. Now 77, he has been diagnosed with dementia. A game, organised by his family, aiming to raise awareness for sport-related brain injuries. 为比赛开球的是前米德尔斯堡足球俱乐部后卫比尔盖...

  • 5个关于人类大脑的假传言

    21-10-14 人类的大脑只开发了10%这一说法广为流传,许多人甚至对此深信不疑。然而事实果真如此吗?听古典音乐真的可以让人变聪明吗?下面5个关于人类大脑的传言其实都是假的。 1. A BIGGER BRAIN IS A BETTER BRAIN. 大脑越大越聪明。 Nope. After all, humans believe were the...