• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 24

    22-07-15 Professor Erlin gave Philip a lesson every day. He made out a list of books which Philip was to read till he was ready for the final achievement of Faust, and meanwhile, ingeniously enough, started him on a German translation of one of the plays by...

  • balance the books 结算、结账

    22-06-28 Balance the books: to add up all the credits and debits of an account 结算、结账 例: Thomas is in charge of balancing the books at the end of each quarter for the business. 托马斯负责公司每季度末的帐目清算。...

  • 读书的好处

    22-05-30 1. That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that youre not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. F. Scott Fitzgerald 这是所有文学作品的一个美妙之处。你发现你的渴望是普遍的渴望,你不...

  • hit the books 学习

    22-05-11 (To) Hit the books 从字面意思看,它表示撞击正在阅读的书籍,然而, 这个俚语在学生群体中十分常见,特别是美国那些功课繁重的大学生。它仅仅表达学习的意思,而且是一种告诉你的伙伴自己要学习的方式,可用在期末考试、期中考试甚至是一场英语测试时。 Sorry but I...

  • snuggle up 依偎

    22-05-07 snuggle up 依偎 Snuggle up by an old stone fireplace and enjoy a cup of cocoa. 依偎在古老的石头壁炉旁喝杯热可可。 Notes: 用于口语,与snuggle同义,表示依偎,紧贴。例: I love to snuggle up on the sofa with my daughter and read books together. 我喜欢...

  • 8条与金钱相关的习语 下

    22-04-26 5. Nest egg 储蓄金 savings, money kept in reserve 积蓄、贮备金 Dont worry about the job you lost. We have a little nest egg to live on until you find another. 别担心失业后的生活。我们还有一些积蓄能撑到你找到新工作。 6. Cook the books 做假账 cheat in...

  • be disgusted 倒胃口

    22-03-28 倒胃口,中文习语,本意指因为腻味而不想再吃(spoil ones appetite,cause one to become nauseated),现在多比喻对某人某事兴味索然,产生反感(be disgusted,get fed up)。 例句 再好的美味吃多了也倒胃口。 Even the nicest food can spoil ones appetite if on...

  • 关于书的成语和诗句

    22-01-22 博览群书 have read many books;be well-read 例句: 他很聪明,博览群书,并且对艺术很感兴趣。 He was clever, well-read and interested in the arts. 书声朗朗 the sound of reading aloud 书香门第 a family of scholar(s); a literary family 例句: tā chū s...

  • hit the books 用功读书,读很多东西

    21-12-06 某一天我遇到外教Tim,他急匆匆地赶去了图书馆,他说Im gonna hit the books.我一听,怎么?你要去撞书?我就赶紧拦下了他,忙问:Whats wrong with you? Are you gonna hurt yourself?(你怎么了?你会自伤自己吗?)Tim急忙解释说,I mean I have to study hard beca...

  • cook the books 造假账

    21-11-12 cook the books 把书煮来吃 =造假账 联想记忆:想把书煮来吃,就是想毁掉,可以联想到做假账。 例句: Although my friend was usually honest, he decided to cook the books. 尽管朋友一向诚实,但他还是决定在账目上做一些手脚。...