• 《哈利·波特》女主角在伦敦地铁里藏书

    21-02-25 为什么一位电影演员会在伦敦地铁里藏书呢?为了鼓励大众多读书,电影《哈利波特》的女主角扮演者艾玛沃森在伦敦地铁里藏了一百本书供众人去发现并浏览阅读。地铁图书(Books On The Underground)活动计划在英国首都伦敦的交通系统里放成千上万本书供乘客阅读。 Now he...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 7

    21-01-21 Next day Ben ran off to his work with Quackenboss Elementary History of the United States in his pocket, and the Squires cows had ample time to breakfast on way-side grass before they were put into their pasture. Even then the pleasant lesson was no...

  • 关于学习的习语和短语 2

    20-12-29 Hit the books 开始学习 Meaning: to study 意义:学习 Example: I cant go out this weekend, I have to hit the books because an exam is coming up. 这个周末我不能出去,因为考试就要来了,我不得不看书。 Piece of cake 小菜一碟 Meaning: something easy 意思是...

  • Rose In Bloom - Chapter 13

    20-12-20 Steves engagement made a great stir in the family a pleasant one this time, for nobody objected, everything seemed felicitous, and the course of true love ran very smoothly for the young couple, who promised to remove the only obstacle to their unio...

  • 如何最大化发挥你的学习能力

    20-12-16 Remember to study for knowledge and not study for getting good grades! This helped me a lot, and so might help you too. 1) Keep your study area organized and comfortable. This helps you to concentrate better while studying by reducing unwanted distr...

  • do something with your eyes closed 闭着眼睛都能做某事

    20-11-08 表达 do something with your eyes closed 或 do something with your eyes shut 的意思是 能轻而易举地或很好地做某事,就像汉语里说的 闭着眼睛都能做。用这个表达可以暗示你已经多次做过某事,所以做起来轻车熟路,得心应手。 这个表达多与情态动词 can 或词组 be a...

  • Little Women - Chapter 33

    20-09-28 New York, November Dear Marmee and Beth, Im going to write you a regular volume, for Ive got heaps to tell, though Im not a fine young lady traveling on the continent. When I lost sight of Fathers dear old face, I felt a trifle blue, and might have...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 21

    20-09-16 It was curious to see the change which came over Dan after that talk. A weight seemed off his mind; and though the old impetuous spirit flashed out at times, he seemed intent on trying to show his gratitude and love and honour to these true friends...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 8

    20-09-16 While the young Bhaers were having serious experiences at home, Josie was enjoying herself immensely at Rocky Nook; for the Laurences knew how to make summer idleness both charming and wholesome. Bess was very fond of her little cousin; Mrs Amy felt...

  • 方所获伦敦书展2019最佳书店

    19-03-14 Chinas bookstore chain brand Fang Suo Commune clinched the Bookstore of the Year Award of The London Book Fair (LBF) International Excellence Awards, the LBF announced Tuesday. 中国连锁书店品牌方所周二获伦敦书展全球卓越奖2019年全球年度最佳书店。 Loc...