14-06-13 A book owned by Harvard University has been been bound in human skin, scientists believe. 一些科学家证实,哈佛大学的一本藏书用人类皮肤做封面。 Des destinees de l'ame (Destinies of the Soul) has been housed at Houghton Library since the 1930s. Writer...
14-04-02 We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite... I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. We can take the mysterious,...
14-03-24 Selling secondhand books at our church bazaar, I got into an argument with a prospective customer. He was interested in buying The Pocket Book of Ogden Nash but claimed it was overpriced at 35 cents. Other paperbacks were selling for ten or 15 cents...
14-02-13 Becoming a Book Howard Schwartz When writers die they become books, which is, after all, not too bad an incarnation(化身,典型). -- Jorge Luis Borges for Ben Furnish All these years, without knowing it, I've been preparing for my rebirth as a book...
14-01-05 据英国《独立报》网站12月29日报道,一项最新研究结果显示,读完一本扣人心弦的小说之后,人的大脑会发生实际的、可监测的积极生理变化,并且这一变化会持续至少5天。 Being pulled into the world of a gripping(扣人心弦的) novel can trigger actual, measurable...
13-09-13 华纳兄弟公司宣布,哈利波特系列小说的作者JK罗琳将执笔创作该系列电影的外传剧本,外传系列名为神奇动物在哪里,与哈利在魔法学校时使用的课本同名。新片的背景定在哈利波特诞生70年前的纽约,故事将围绕着魔法动物学家纽特斯卡曼德展开。罗琳表示,新系列电影不是哈...
13-08-14 精彩对白 Jonathan: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Legible, legible. Sara: I can't believe I'm doing this. Jonathan: Now, please, please. Let fate take its proper course . That was an accident. Write down that again, please. Sara: I can't. That was a sign. Fate's...
13-08-06 There is so much I have not been, so much I have not seen. I have not thought and have not done or felt enough-the early sun, rain and the seasonal delight of flocks of ducks and geese in flight, the mysteries of late-at-night. I still need time to...
13-07-09 Author: You can't apprecciate it. You never wrote a book yourself. Friend: No, and I never laid an egg, but I'm a better judge of an omelet than my hen in this country. 作者:你无法欣赏他,你从来没有自己写过书。 朋友:没写过,我也从来没有下过蛋,但...
13-06-26 高雅化趋势 翻译中的第二个趋向是高雅化,即译者在处理部分字句段落时抛开原文的字面意思和风格,一味追求高雅的大词,人为拔高。这样做如果字面意义没有重大出入,原文风格又比较文雅,那么就是精彩的译文。但一味求雅,风险很大,可能会导致两个方面的问题:一是损害...