14-11-11 After the famous Ice Bucket Challenge and India's very own Rice Bucket Challenge, here is another challenge making its rounds on social media: The Book Bucket Challenge . If you have seen your friends either nominating or being nominated for telling...
14-10-28 A commuter sitting on a subway train reading a paper back was so sprawled out in the seat that the woman next to him had very little room. When she asked if he could move a bit, he refused. Just then, a man opposite them yelled, Why don't you sit li...
14-10-15 Book hangover refers to the moment when you've finished a book and you suddenly return to the real world, but the real world feels incomplete or surreal because you're still living in the world of the book. 醉书指的是当你读完一本书突然回到现实中,却...
14-09-07 遭法国总统弗朗索瓦奥朗德抛弃的前法国准第一夫人瓦莱丽特里耶韦莱本周即将出版一本爆炸性的自传型新书,当然,本书没有放过奥朗德。 The spurned first lady lover of Francois Hollande will this week publish an explosive book in which the French president is...
14-09-04 Zen Sonnet Elizabeth Spires It was April and we were reading the book about Zen you were writing your Zen poems and we were talking about the moment we were in and I was thinking thoughts that were not Zen: how I know too much too little to teach yo...
14-08-21 Brown was very proud of his young son. Once he was talking to a visitor, telling the man how clever his son was. The boy is only two years old, he said, and knows all animals. He's going to be a great naturalist. Here, let me show you. He took a boo...
14-08-08 The Book of Life Laura Kasischke Pale and naked without their bodies, the souls examine the book in which they hope to find their names inscribed(题写,雕刻) . Made of soap. Now. Made of smoke. Now made of dew and hairlessness. And how primitive,...
14-08-05 His paintings made news worldwide, but it turns out that former President George W. Bush has been working on another, highly personal project since leaving the White House: He has quietly completed a biography of his father, former President George...
14-08-05 A little boy was wise beyond his age. One day he came home from the public library with a book. Its title was The Care and Management of Children. Oh, my god, exclaimed his mother in astonishment. What are you doing with a book like that? Oh, replie...
14-07-10 A new trend for sharing photographs of one's book collection has taken social media by storm, which is dubbed the ' shelfie '. 一阵分享个人藏书照片的新风潮正席卷社交媒体,这种拍下个人藏书的行为叫作书架自拍。 While some have gone about arranging thei...