• 英国业余艺术家创作精美书口画

    22-11-25 Meet 22-year-old amateur artist Maisie Matilda. 来认识一下22岁的业余艺术家梅茜玛蒂尔达。 She taught herself fore-edge painting, where a scene is painted on the edges of book pages. 她自学了书口画,就是在书页的边缘画上一个场景。 The art form dates ba...

  • 国家职业分类大典首次标注97个数字职业

    22-10-14 国家职业分类大典已于近日完成修订工作。与2015年版大典相比,新版大典净增了158个新职业,总职业数达到1639个。新版大典首次标注97个数字职业,有利于推动数字经济的发展。 Digital transformation and technological innovation have birthed new professions requir...

  • live-writing 现场写作

    22-09-28 说唱歌手Kanye West最近一直在推特上实时直播自己写一本哲学书。 Oh by the way this is my book that Im writing in real time. No publisher or publicist will tell me what to put where or how many pages to write. This is not a financial opportunity this is...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 11

    22-09-14 All of a sudden, on my way out to the lobby, I got old Jane Gallagher on the brain again. I got her on, and I couldnt get her off. I sat down in this vomity-looking chair in the lobby and thought about her and Stradlater sitting in that goddam Ed Ba...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 3

    22-09-13 Im the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. Its awful. If Im on my way to the store to buy a magazine, even, and somebody asks me where Im going, Im liable to say Im going to the opera. Its terrible. So when I told old Spencer I had to go t...

  • know one's ABCs 了解基础的知识

    22-06-14 know ones ABCs 了解基础的知识 例句: I dont think he should do this. He doesnt even know his ABCs. 我认为他不应该做这个,他对此一无所知。 Do you know the ABCs of programming? 你了解编程的基础知识吗? know someone or something like a book 熟悉,深知,...

  • squee 十分兴奋或开心

    22-06-13 squee used to show that you are excited or happy 表示十分兴奋或开心,口语用法。 例句: The next Game of Thrones book is out? SQUEE!!! 《权利的游戏》系列的新作出啦?太棒啦!!!...

  • in the thick of 在……最炽烈/紧张的时候

    22-05-07 in the thick of 在最炽烈/紧张的时候 Not to worry, youll be in the thick of it soon enough. 别急,很快就到你们了。 Notes:thick这个单词我们都很熟悉,作为形容词,表示厚的,浓的。例如: This book is thick. Can you finish it before the deadline? 这本书...

  • 几个不能 “望文生义”的短语

    22-04-19 1. in the air a. 字面意思表示 在空中。比如: Snowflakes flutter in the air. 雪花在空中飞舞。 b.引申意义表示 悬而未决。比如: Most of the problems were solved at the meeting, but one were left hanging in the air. 大多数问题在回忆中得到了解决,但是还...

  • deep dive 深入探讨,仔细分析

    22-03-30 搭配 deep dive 的字面意思是 深潜,实际意思是 深入地探讨或仔细地研究 一件事情,如课题、项目或文件。Deep dive 常与动词 take 搭配使用,后面常接介词 into,即 take a deep dive into something。 例句 The best way to analyse the failings of the project is t...