• 2021的年度热门书单

    22-03-22 疫情期间不能出远门,很多人都是从书籍中寻找乐趣和安慰。来看看2021的年度热门书单,有你爱读的那本吗? Annual reports and lists by different platforms show that psychology, comics about history, and works of literature were the most popular book categor...

  • 各国民众对书籍的“口味”各有不同

    22-03-03 大数据分析显示,从世界范围来看,各国民众对书籍的口味各有不同。美国人爱看经典书籍,拉美人爱看恐怖故事和浪漫文学,德国、意大利、波兰人则爱看奇幻小说。 Reading habits look different around the world. In India, the average person devotes 10 hours and 42...

  • 面对领导

    22-02-22 跟领导可能会有各种场景的话题,但其中有两个是一定会遇到的,其一就是汇报工作,想约一个单独的面谈,这时可以用: Can we arrange a one-to-one, please? 另外一个就是请假,你想请事假,可以用: Can I book some time off? 我可以预订一些休息时间吗? annual leav...

  • from the word go 始终,从一开始;完全,彻

    22-02-07 From the word go不是从这个单词走,如果你这么理解,那真的会闹笑话的! From the word go是指始终,从一开始;完全,彻底的意思! 举个例子: Again, your readers will have to buy my book for the whole story, but there is no question that Dumbledore took an...

  • 怎样成为一个更有魅力的男人 2

    22-01-24 1. Carry your prop 带上你的道具。 Book! Nothing beats a guy with a book. I really really really really like seeing a guy with a book resting near him. *Bonus point* - if hes actually reading it. 书!拿着书的男人天下无敌。我非常非常非常非常喜欢看一个...

  • 哪种阅读方式最好?

    21-11-22 随着越来越多的人开始阅读电子书或收听有声书,以传统书籍为主导的时代会不会因此消失?新冠疫情有没有改变人们的阅读习惯? Do you like to bury your head in a good book? Getting absorbed in a good story is a great way to relax. It improves your literacy, a...

  • by the book 按章办事

    21-11-12 By the book 通过书 =按章办事 联想记忆:根据书上的条条框框,就是按章办事。 例句: He is an unimaginative individual who does everything by the book. 他是一个一切照章办事,缺想象力的人。...

  • to bring someone to book 惩罚某人

    21-11-12 To bring someone to book 带某人去读书 =惩罚某人 联想记忆:不爱学习,带他去读书就是种惩罚 例句: Now our task is to find out who the culprits are, and how we can work together to bring them to book. 现在我们的任务是找出谁是罪犯,以及如何互相配合将他...

  • an open book 一目了然的,易看穿的

    21-11-12 An open book 一本打开的书 =一目了然的,易看穿的 联想记忆:书都打开了,所以一目了然,什么都看得清清楚楚。 例句: My life is an open book and I have no secret. 我的生活很明了,没有秘密可言。...

  • a closed book 高深莫测的事物

    21-11-12 A closed book 一本合上的书 =高深莫测的事物 联想记忆:把书合上,那就不知道里面的知识是什么,所以高深莫测。 例句: Im afraid accountancy is a closed book to me. 我恐怕对会计学一窍不通。...