• 钙对人体骨骼健康起着重要左右

    10-08-02 A broad range of scientific research has demonstrated that an adequate intake(摄取) of calcium plays an important role in building and maintaining optimum(最适宜的) bone mass, and a recent meta-analysis published online in the British Medical Jo...

  • “恐龙鸟”化石被发现

    10-05-11 A 150-million-year old 'Dinobird' fossil, long thought to contain nothing but fossilized bone and rock, has been hiding remnants(残余) of the animal's original chemistry, according to new research. The sensational(轰动的,使人感动的) discovery b...

  • 科学家首次发现霸王龙在南半球存在的证据

    10-03-26 Scientists from Cambridge, London and Melbourne have found the first ever evidence that tyrannosaur(霸王龙) dinosaurs existed in the southern continents. They identified a hip bone(髋骨,坐骨) found at Dinosaur Cove in Victoria, Australia as bel...

  • DNA检测发现前所未知的古人种

    10-03-25 Scientists have identified a previously unknown type of ancient human through analysis of DNA from a finger bone unearthed in a Siberian cave. 科学家们通过对一块西伯利亚某山洞出土的指骨进行分析,发现一种前所未知的古人种。 The finger bone was unearth...

  • 维生素D可加强人体对钙的吸收利用

    10-03-13 Increasing calcium intake(摄入) is a common--yet not always successful--strategy for reducing bone fractures(骨折) . But a study supported in part by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) underscores(强调) the importance of vitamin D and its...

  • 古遗址显示同类相食的迹象

    09-12-07 Archaeologists have found evidence of mass cannibalism at a 7,000-year-old human burial site in south-west Germany, the journal Antiquity reports. 杂志《古代》报道,考古学家在德国西南部一处7000年的人类埋葬地发现大量同类相食的证据。 The site contains...

  • Human Fossils Dated to 195,000 Years

    09-10-28 Researchers determined that the specimens are around 195,000 years old. 对化石的深入分析使现代人的历史可以追溯到19.5万年以前。 A new analysis of bones unearthed(采掘出的) nearly 40 years ago in Ethiopia has pushed the fossil record of modern human...

  • Jaw bone created from stem cells 研究:干细胞制造出颌骨

    09-10-11 Scientists have created part of the jaw joint in the lab using human adult stem cells. 科学家在实验室中利用人类成体干细胞制造出了部分下颌关节。 The new bone was created from bone marrow stem cells They say it is the first time a complex, anatomicall...

  • Moderate drinking 'boosts bones' 适量饮用啤酒可“促进骨骼健

    09-08-17 Women who drink moderate amounts of beer may be strengthening their bones, according to Spanish researchers. 西班牙研究人员发现,妇女适当饮用啤酒可以增强骨骼健壮。 Official advice says women should not drink more than three units a day Their study o...

  • Beer could stop bones going brittle 研究:适量啤酒可防骨质疏

    09-08-16 西班牙科学家的一项最新研究发现,经常喝啤酒的女性骨骼要更强健一些,而且患骨质疏松症的几率也较低。研究人员访问了1700名平均年龄48岁的健康女性,了解她们的饮酒习惯,并对她们的手部骨骼进行超声波扫描。结果显示,喝啤酒的女性手部骨骼更加紧密。该研究认为,啤...