• 运动能促使干细胞变成骨骼

    11-09-02 McMaster researchers have found one more reason to exercise: working out triggers influential stem cells to become bone instead of fat, improving overall health by boosting the body's capacity to make blood. The body's mesenchymal(间叶细胞的) stem...

  • 骨骼含氟量与骨肉瘤没有直接关系

    11-07-29 The International and American Associations for Dental Research have released in its Journal of Dental Research a study that investigated bone fluoride(氟化物) levels in individuals with osteosarcoma(骨肉瘤) , which is a rare, primary malignant...

  • 关节镜治疗普通臀部问题能改善运动范围

    11-07-11 Arthroscopic(关节镜的) treatment of a common hip problem that leads to arthritis is successful in terms of restoring range of motion, according to results from a recent Hospital for Special Surgery study. The study will be presented at the annual...

  • 科学家发现骨质疏松症致病基因

    11-03-07 Scientists have identified a single mutated gene that causes Hajdu-Cheney syndrome(综合症) , a disorder of the bones causing progressive bone loss and osteoporosis(骨质疏松症) (fragile bones). The study, published in Nature Genetics today, gives...

  • 骨生成蛋白质可提高牙移植成功率

    11-03-06 Using a bone-creating protein to augment(增加) the maxillary sinus(上颌骨窦) could improve dental implant success, according to Georgia Health Sciences University researchers. Dental implants, screws that anchor permanent prosthetic(假体的) te...

  • 风湿病新药Fostamatinib安全但疗效不显著

    11-01-28 In a previous study, rheumatoid arthritis ( RA风湿性关节炎) patients who failed to respond to methotrexate(甲氨蝶呤) were shown to experience positive results with fostamatinib disodium (R788), an oral spleen tyrosine kinase ( Syk酪氨酸激酶 ) inhi...

  • 规范骨转换指标有利于临床诊治

    10-12-28 An expert working group of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) and the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) has released a new position paper(意见书) which reviews the evidence of bone turnover...

  • 腹部脂肪过多加重女性骨质疏松危险

    10-12-01 For years, it was believed that obese women were at lower risk for developing osteoporosis(骨质疏松症) , and that excess body fat actually protected against bone loss. However, a study presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Soci...

  • 停用某些骨质疏松症药物可能有益骨健康

    10-11-19 Taking time off from certain osteoporosis(骨质疏松症) drugs may be beneficial to bone health, according to a study conducted at Loyola University Health System. Researchers found that bone density remained stable for three years in patients who to...

  • 抑制细胞信号通道可提高骨髓移植成功率

    10-09-27 Identification of a molecular communications pathway that influences the mobilization of hematopoietic(造血的) ( blood) stem cells could lead to targeted therapies for improving bone marrow(骨髓) transplant success rates. In a bed-side to bench...