• 新款蓝色葡萄酒在法国问世

    21-04-02 有一种亮蓝色的葡萄酒目前已在法国出售,其制造商称,它是百分之百的天然产品。该酒在酿造过程中会经特殊方法过滤,使其呈现出碧绿清澈的颜色。但这种酒受人欢迎吗? Vindigo is made with Chardonnay, that is white wine grapes - and it gets its translucent blue...

  • 捕鱼工具对鲸鱼的威胁被低估

    21-04-01 一项新的研究表明,鲸鱼被渔网缠住的风险似乎被低估了。无人机拍摄的照片上显示,在加拿大圣劳伦斯湾,多达 60% 的蓝鲸与渔绳和渔网接触过,因为从照片中能看到它们身上的疤痕。 Getting caught up in fishing ropes or nets is one of the biggest threats to whales....

  • 友谊的颜色

    20-12-16 Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All claimed that they were the best. The most important. The most useful. The favorite. Green said: Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. I was chosen for gra...

  • 一些和moon相关的词汇

    20-10-28 Once in a blue moon:真难得! Once in a blue moon指的是某种很少见的情况, 很像中文里常说的 太阳打西边出来啦! He only cleans the dishes once in a blue moon! 太罕见了,他竟然在洗碗! Shoot for the moon:志当存高远 韦氏词典给出的英文解释是:to try to...

  • 中国科学家利用基因技术创造蓝玫瑰

    18-10-12 Chinese scientists are using genetic technology and synthetic biology techniques to create genetically engineered blue roses. 中国科学家利用基因技术与合成生物学技术创造出基因改造蓝玫瑰。 Blue roses do not exist in nature and cannot be bred, as roses...

  • 研究:蓝光对眼睛的伤害不可逆转

    18-08-26 We all know that the blue light that emits from our smartphones isnt good for our eyes, but a new study has discovered just how much damage it can cause. 我们都知道智能手机发出的蓝光对眼睛有伤害,但一项最新研究解释了蓝光能造成的伤害程度。 Researcher...

  • 没有科学证据表明蓝光对我们的眼睛有害

    18-07-01 Blue light is a type of electromagnetic radiation with a very short wavelength that produces a high amount of energy. While its true that light can damage your eyes under certain circumstances, theres no scientific evidence suggesting that blue ligh...

  • blue economy 蓝色经济

    18-05-05 China calls for the development of a blue economy to optimize the traditional marine sector and speed up the development of emerging marine industries while promoting sustainability, a Chinese official said. 中国官员表示,中国倡导蓝色经济发展,在推...

  • 滴滴接管小蓝单车部分业务

    18-01-10 Chinese ride-hailing company DiDi Chuxing will take parts of financially strained bike-sharing operator Bluegogos business in its latest attempt to enter the bike-sharing market, the company announced Tuesday. 中国网约车公司滴滴出行周二宣布,将采用...

  • 蓝色类英文词汇

    17-06-05 蓝色 blue 天蓝 sky blue; azure ; celeste; 蔚蓝 azure; sky blue 月光蓝 moon blue 海洋蓝 ocean blue 海蓝 sea blue 湖蓝 acid blue 深湖蓝 vivid blue 中湖蓝 bright blue 浅湖蓝 canal blue 清水蓝 water blue 冰雪蓝 ice-snow blue 孔雀蓝 peacock blue 宝石蓝 s...