• 《海底总动员-2》第22章

    22-12-28 Back home on the Great Barrier Reef, Dory was counting. One, two, three ... four ... um? Wait a minute. Why am I counting? Dory removed her fins from her eyes and looked around. Where is everyone? Uh-oh. Did they leave me? No, most likely not. Come...

  • 表示不好的情绪

    22-08-11 He was in a black mood. 他情绪不好。 I was feeling blue. 我心情不好。 Theres no point in having these dark thoughts. 总想这些负面的事情没有意义。 His face darkened. 他的脸沉了下来。 They led a grey empty existence. 他们生存状况窘迫。 Im afraid the o...

  • 天气习语 上

    22-06-13 1.Bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳 用来形容事情发生得如此突然,让人感到惊讶和措手不及。 例句: I had only recently seen Steve in a restaurant. The news of his death came as a bolt from the blue. 我不久前才在一间餐馆里见过史蒂夫,他的死讯来得犹如晴天霹雳...

  • blue-blooded 贵族血统

    22-04-19 blackmail 敲诈,勒索 大家一听mail可能觉得这个词会和邮件有关,其实并非如此。 mail还有一个含义是租金或税收,而black 则比喻那些邪恶的,所以邪恶的税收就是敲诈勒索了。 这个词语的来源是在苏格兰,苏格兰人民群众在英国的感觉就像是我们中国的大东北,民风略剽悍...

  • a bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳

    21-12-17 短语 a bolt from the blue, 意思是发生了完全意想不到的事情,晴天霹雳。 例句 The prime ministers resignation was a bolt from the blue. It was a real bolt from the blue when I bumped into my first ever boyfriend in the supermarket. The announcement abo...

  • 用脚掌亲吻大地

    21-10-30 It was a day in late December. 那是十二月末的一天 The Christmas tree had been taken down. 圣诞树已经从街头搬走 The lights and decorations had been boxed up 彩灯和装饰物收回了盒子 and put in the closet 放回橱柜里 until next year. 等着明年再取出来 And...

  • once in a blue moon 罕见、不常发生的事情

    21-09-25 blue moon并不是蓝色的月亮,而是一种天文现象当一个月出现两次月圆之夜时,第二个满月就称为蓝月亮。这种现象相对罕见(约每两年半会出现一次)。 因此在日常生活中,人们用blue moon来形容罕见、不常发生的事情。once in a blue moon可译为千载难逢。 used for empha...

  • you are blue in the face 花很长时间做一件事情

    21-09-07 如果你坚持做某事直到 you are blue in the face, 意思就是你花很长时间做一件事情,做到脸都发青了也没用,不会成功。 例句 Martin argued with his mother until he was blue in the face, but she still made him wash the dishes. You can walk up and down the hi...

  • feel blue 无精打采

    21-04-13 周末快乐美好,可惜时光短暂。又到了星期一,告别休息日的惬意和慵懒,开启新一周的工作,你是活力四射(full of energy)还是无精打采?无精打采,亦作没精打采,汉语成语,形容精神不振,提不起劲头。可以翻译为feel blue/depressed,out of spirits,be listless等...