• 青色类英文词汇

    17-06-05 青色 cerulean blue ; blue ; green 豆青 pea green; bean green 花青 flower blue 茶青 tea green 葱青 onion green 天青 celeste; azure 霁青 sky-clearing blue 石青 mineral blue 铁青 electric blue ; river blue 蟹青 turquoise ; ink blue 鳝鱼青 eel green 蛋...

  • 帝国大厦为浙大亮蓝灯

    17-05-22 New Yorks iconic Empire State Building turns blue on May 20 to celebrate the 120th anniversary of Chinas Zhejiang University. 纽约标志性建筑帝国大厦在5月20日亮蓝灯以庆祝中国浙江大学建校120周年。 Blue is the Chinese universitys traditional color. Its...

  • 谷歌推出号称全世界最蓝的牛仔裤

    17-02-25 Google has partnered with a young UK designer to create what they claim to be are the worlds only really blue jeans. 谷歌和一位年轻的英国设计师合作,制作出了据称是全世界仅有的真蓝色牛仔裤。 The designs are the latest phase of Googles alliance with t...

  • 为什么交通信号灯要用红黄绿这三个颜色

    16-10-16 Red means stop, green means go, and yellow means hurry up and make that damn light. Why those colors, though? Why not blue, purple, and brown? I have to admit that aside from a hunch that it had to do with wavelengths, I had no idea myself, so I dec...

  • G20 blue G20蓝

    16-07-31 To ensure blue skies during Septembers G20 Summit, host city Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, and surrounding regions recently released plans to restrict air pollution. 为了保障9月份G20峰会期间的蓝天,主办城市浙江省杭州市以及周边区域近期发布了防治空气污...

  • 西班牙公司推出蓝色葡萄酒

    16-07-03 Red, white and ros wines have been around for hundreds of years, and if youve gotten a little bored with them youll be happy to know that you can now enjoy a cup of bright blue wine, as well. 红色、白色和玫瑰色的葡萄酒已经存在了几百年,如果你已经对...

  • Disney Blue 迪士尼蓝

    15-10-14 Media reports have revealed Shanghai Municipal Government's plans to move or close down 153 factories to ensure Disney Blue around the area of Shanghai Disneyland resort and theme park. 据媒体报道,上海市政府计划搬迁或关闭上海迪士尼乐园和迪士尼主题...

  • parade blue 阅兵蓝

    15-09-24 According to a report by the environment protection authority, Beijing's PM2.5 index remained excellent for six days from Aug 20 to Aug 25, and the media has called the blue sky in Beijing during this period parade blue . 北京市环保局的一份报告显示...

  • Beijing Blue 北京蓝

    15-06-25 Beijing Blue could ease the public's concerns over the air pollution problem and attract more tourists from both home and abroad. 北京蓝可以缓解公众对空气污染问题的担忧并吸引更多国内外游客来到北京。 几场雷阵雨(thunderstorms)过后,北京蓝天如洗,白...

  • 蓝色光的生物效应

    14-10-22 Blue light can both set the mood and set in motion important biological responses. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Medicine and School of Arts and Sciences have teased apart the separate biological responses of the human ey...