• 无可奉告

    22-06-28 A little bird told me. 消息灵通人士告诉我的。 We have our ways. 我自有办法。 Word travels fast. 八卦传得可快了。 Bad news travels fast. 坏事传千里。 None of your business. 这你就别管了。...

  • 禽流感影响法国鹅肝酱供应

    22-05-16 由于欧洲各国暴发了史无前例的禽流感疫情,法国名菜鹅肝酱不得不暂别多家米其林餐厅的菜单。和应对新冠疫情类似,鹅肝酱生产商现在急需做好两件事:家禽隔离和接种疫苗。 Fois gras, the French culinary jewel that is as delicious as it is controversial, is a sta...

  • a little bird told me 天机不可泄露

    22-04-25 1 a little bird told me 天机不可泄露 How did you know the news? Oh, a little bird told me. 你怎么知道这件事的? 天机不可泄露! 2 as gentle as a lamb 天真无邪的;温文尔雅的 She is as gentle as a lamb. Thats why everybody likes her. 她天真无邪,所以很...

  • 8个美式英语和英式英语中意思不同的词 上

    22-03-02 Bird 在美国,bird就是一种有羽毛啾啾叫的动物而已。 但是在英国,bird通常描述年轻的女性,和美国口语中的chicks类似。千万别称呼你老板的女儿bird哦,一些英国人会觉得这是在贬低自己。 美国:鸟;禽 We watched a flock of birds fly over the field. 我们看着一群...

  • 鸟类如何利用地球磁场帮助导航迁徙

    21-09-17 鸟类如何长途跋涉,飞越海洋和陆地?科学家离揭开这个谜团又近了一步。 Scientists studied the robin a familiar garden bird that can sometimes migrate flying alone, at night and often over great distances. They identified a magnetically sensitive molecul...

  • 和bird有关的口语表达

    21-07-06 1 eat like a bird吃得极少 She is very thin because she always eat like a bird. 她很瘦,因为她吃的很少。 2 an early bird早起的人,早到者 I am simply not an early bird. 我就不是个早起的人。 3 old bird老练的人,精明的人 Youre an old bird. 你是一个老练...

  • 致橡树

    21-06-17 致橡树 To The Oak Tree 舒婷 我如果爱你 If I love you 绝不像攀援的凌霄花, I wont wind upon you like a trumpet creeper 借你的高枝炫耀自己; upvalue myself by your height 我如果爱你 If I love you 绝不学痴情的鸟儿, I will never follow a spoony bird 为...

  • pick your brain 我有问题想请教你

    21-04-08 大家在看美剧的时候是不是经常看到pick your brain这样的表达,千万不要误以为这是骂人的话,如果理解错意思,会让别人笑掉大牙。 实际上,pick your brain是指我有问题想请教你,征求某人的意见,向某人学习。 If you have some time later, I like to pick your brai...

  • 营救动物

    21-03-30 Do you think an iguana could have rights? Cookie is a hero! This pet parrots courage was celebrated in a news article after he saved his teenage owner when a fire broke out in their home in Wales. The bird flapped its wings and squawked to alert Ben...

  • 夏洛特的网 Chapter 9 下

    20-12-26 Twilight settled over Zuckermans barn, and a feeling of peace. 薄暮的余晖把祖克曼先生的谷仓笼罩在宁静、平和的气氛里。 Fern knew it was almost suppertime but she couldnt bear to leave. 芬知道差不多到晚饭时间了,却还是舍不得离去。 Swallows passed on s...