• 是鸟?还是恐龙?

    23-01-29 在中国发现的一块小型恐龙化石标本改变了多年来科学家们对鸟类起源研究的理论。一个半世纪以来,研究人员一直认为始祖鸟是最原始、最古老的鸟类,但最新发现的标本有可能改变这一看法。 Archaeopteryx has a hallowed place in science, long hailed as not just the f...

  • 《飞屋环游记》第11章

    23-01-28 Ow! Carl laughed as the baby bird pecked at his head, grooming him. He was holding another little bird in his hand. Look at you, Russell cooed at the babies, youre so soft. Kevin called out. She was at the entrance to the labyrinthher home, where sh...

  • 传闲话

    22-08-11 1. Rumor has it that... Rumor是谣言的意思,rumor has it that表示人们都这样说、听很多人说。That后面跟听说的内容。虽然道听途说不一定是真的,但至少八卦终于开始了。例如:Rumor has it that he was murdered. (人们都传他是被人谋杀的。) 2. A little bird to...