• 美国德州的流产限令争议不断

    13-10-29 A Texas judge has said abortion restrictions passed by the state's legislature are unconstitutional. 美国德克萨斯州一名法官称,州立法机构通过的流产限令是违反宪法的。 District Judge Lee Yeakel ruled that the new regulations violated doctors' rights a...

  • A Rithmetic Lesson

    13-10-16 A little boy bustled(喧闹,忙乱) into a grocery one day with a memorandum(便笺) in his hand. Hello, Mr. Smith,He said, I want thirteen pounds of coffee at 33 cents. Very good, said the grocer, and he noted down the sale. Anything else, Charlie?...

  • 乌拉圭众议院通过大麻种植合法化法案

    13-08-01 Members of Uruguay's House of Representatives have passed a bill to legalise marijuana. 乌拉圭众议院议员投票通过了一项大麻种植合法化的法案。 Those supporting the bill want it passed quickly If it goes on to be approved by the Senate, Uruguay will be...

  • 新西兰同性婚姻合法化

    13-04-18 New Zealand's parliament has legalised same-sex marriage, the first country in the Asia-Pacific region to do so. 新西兰议会通过了同性婚姻合法化,这是亚太地区首个出此规定的国家。 Lawmakers approved the bill, amending the 1955 marriage act, despite op...

  • 加拿大发行新版百元塑料货币

    11-11-19 本周一,加拿大央行发行了新版百元面值的塑料货币。这版塑料钱利用高科技全息元件和金属条等技术制成,具有可循环、难损坏、难仿造等特点。 Canada's new plastic $100 bill features holographic elements and a metallic strip running through a transparent window...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Weekly Address 2011.10.15

    11-10-29 Im here in Detroit visiting workers at a GM plant in the heart of a resurgent(复活的) American auto industry. And I brought a guest with me President Lee of South Korea. Were here because this week, Congress passed landmark trade agreements with c...

  • The Best Stimulant 最佳兴奋剂

    11-10-20 A patient said to his doctor, Doc, please give me something that will stimulate me, excite me, and put me in a, very, very highly stimulated spirit, a fighting, excited spirit. So the doctor said, Don't worry, take this, and after you see the bill,...

  • 奥巴马演讲 呼吁通过《美国工作法案》

    11-10-16 Over the last few weeks, Ive been making the case that we need to act now on the American Jobs Act, so we can put folks back to work and start building an economy that lasts into the future. Education is an essential part of this economic agenda. It...

  • 奥巴马演讲 讨论通过《美国工作法案》的必要性

    11-09-24 Ive spent some time lately traveling the country and talking with folks outside of Washington. And the number one issue for the people I meet is how we can get back to a place where were creating good, middle-class jobs that pay well and offer some...

  • Bill, Bingo and Bram 12

    11-08-13 I handed Bill his specs(眼镜,规格) , and he peered at the dog, tutting to himself as he did so. Aye, Old Bram, lying out in the yard. Waiting for his life to start up again. He shook his head, wistfully. Lay out yonder, just outside the door ther...