• 森林大火对蝙蝠生存影响甚少

    13-03-07 A survey of bat activity in burned and unburned areas after a major wildfire in the southern Sierra Nevada mountains found no evidence of detrimental(有害的) effects on bats one year after the fire. The findings suggest that bats are resilient to...

  • 约旦河废弃军事仓库成蝙蝠栖息地

    12-04-13 Abandoned army bunkers along the Jordan River have become a habitat for 12 indigenous(本土的) bat species, three of which are already designated as endangered and two that are on the critical list. The bats were recently identified by a group of T...

  • 数十万只蝙蝠侵袭澳大利亚城镇

    12-03-07 A town in northern Australia has been invaded by more than 250,000 bats, prompting warnings of a potentially fatal disease related to rabies. 澳大利亚北部一个城镇被25万多只蝙蝠侵袭,可能是某种跟狂犬病相关的致命疾病存在的征兆。 Hundreds of thousands...

  • 史前蝠蝇以吸食蝙蝠血为生

    12-02-06 They are tiny, ugly, disease-carrying little blood-suckers that most people have never seen or heard of, but a new discovery in a one-of-a-kind fossil shows that bat flies have been doing their noxious business with bats for at least 20 million year...

  • Three pastors 三个牧师

    11-10-07 Three pastors in the south were having lunch in a diner. One said, You know, since summer started Ive been having trouble with bats in my loft(阁楼) and attic at church. Ive tried everything----noise, spray, cats----nothing seems to scare them awa...

  • 吸血蝙蝠如何准确找到动物静脉

    11-08-04 Scientists have known for years that when vampire bats tear through an animal's skin with their razor-sharp teeth, their noses guide them to the best spots where a precise bite will strike a vein and spill forth nourishing blood. But nobody knew exa...

  • 英国发现“遗失的”蝙蝠

    11-06-19 A University of Exeter biologist has discovered a 'lost' species of bat breeding on the Isles of Scilly (UK). A pregnant female brown long-eared bat is the first of its species to be found on the islands for at least 40 years. It was discovered by D...

  • 城市不是蝙蝠理想的生存环境

    11-06-01 In the treeless, flat Prairie, you'd think a city would provide a good home for bats who like to snuggle up(偎依) and roost in trees and buildings. But researchers at the University of Calgary made the surprising discovery that the urban landscape...

  • Bat Problem

    11-03-23 Bat Problem Three pastors in the south were having lunch in a diner. One said, You know, since summer started I've been having trouble with bats in my loft and attic at church. I've tried everything----noise, spray, cats----nothing seems to scare th...

  • 北美某种蝙蝠可能遭受灭顶之灾

    10-08-06 A new study led by Boston University College of Arts Sciences researchers predicts that one of North America's most common bat species, the little brown myotis(鼠耳蝙蝠属) , will be all but extinct in the Northeast in 20 years due to an emerging d...