• 哪类男士会选择“manbag”?

    21-02-10 男式背包是目前的时尚配饰新宠。时髦男士会选择各类背包、单肩包、挎包等搭配不同的服装造型。他们使用这些包不仅仅是为了跟风,显得时髦,而更多考虑到其实用性。 We have so much stuff to carry around these days mobile phones, keys, credit cards and laptops....

  • It's fully furnished. 拎包入住

    20-10-19 拎包入住是公寓租房广告最常见的说法。 如果让你翻译成英语,我想很多人会从拎包这个动作入手,比如会说成:carry a bag to live in...中枪没有? 事实上,拎包入住指的是出租房里家具齐全,租客无需置办家具。 所以,拎包入住是从侧面反映了家具齐全的事实,并不是真...

  • talk big 夸夸其谈

    20-09-17 夸夸其谈,汉语成语,指浮夸空泛地大发议论,形容说话浮夸,不切合实际。可以翻译为indulge in empty talk;talk big;talk excitedly and boastfully。英文俗语bag of wind或wind bag可以表示夸夸其谈的人。 例句: 有人告诫我不要把艾文斯的话太当真,因为他这个人就...

  • 上海迪斯尼允许自带食品饮料

    19-09-09 Visitors are now allowed to bring their own food and drinks to Shanghai Disneyland but have to open their bags for checks. 前往上海迪斯尼的游客现在可以携带食品和饮料入园,但是仍需要翻包检查。 Video footage by an undercover reporter from China Centra...

  • “巴黎世家购物袋”售价高达870英镑

    17-07-03 You might resent paying 5p for a carrier bag in your local supermarket but the biggest designers want you to fork out 174 times that price for one. 你可能会不愿意花5便士在当地超市买一个购物袋,但顶级设计师们却要你为此支付174倍的价钱。 Fashion houses...

  • 印度企业制出百分百降解可食用“塑料袋”

    16-12-26 In an effort to combat plastic pollution, Indian startup EnviGreen has come up with a combination of natural starch and vegetable oils that looks and feels just like plastic, but is 100 percent organic, biodegradable and eco-friendly. You can even d...

  • 会自动锁定并藏钱包的手袋

    16-09-18 Try as you might, do you find it impossible to stick to a budget? How about letting your bag look out for your finances by locking shut when you stray near to your favourite store, keeping your wallet safely tucked away from splurging? 尽可能的试试...

  • 女性手提包甚至脏过马桶

    16-06-04 German research found 10,000 different bacteria are present in just a few square centimetres of handbag, making it dirtier than your average toilet seat. 德国一项研究显示,手提包里面仅仅几平方厘米的面积里,就生活着约1万种不同的细菌,脏的程度甚至超过...

  • The hat

    15-07-07 Mr. Jones had a few days' holiday, so he said, I'm going to go to the mountains by train. He put on his best clothes, took a small bag, went to the station and got on the train. He had a beautiful hat, and he often put his head out of the window dur...

  • 日本宅女迷上“痛包”

    15-04-19 It can be fairly easy to spot a male otaku due to his apparel, mobile gaming device and anime theme songs blasting from his headphones. But what about the ladies? How can they display their affection for their otaku fandom, while still being fashion...