• 如何储存蔬菜才能保鲜更持久

    22-05-05 疫情期间,如何储存蔬菜才能保鲜更持久?不同蔬菜应该如何在冰箱中储存?本文为你一一道来。 1. Keep vegetables in the fridge for 7 to 12 days. 蔬菜在冰箱里可储存7到12天 Different vegetables spoil at different rates, and knowing approximate times can help...

  • doggy bag 打包袋

    22-04-21 Doggy bag 的来历:据说是美国人想把吃剩的饭菜打包回家,但又碍于面子,因此就故意说要把饭菜带回家喂狗(原来美国人也那么有心机)。在英语里,还有其他表示打包的常用语,请掌握: 1. I want to pack the food. 我想要把食物打包。 * pack作为动词表示打包、包装某...

  • in the bag 稳了

    22-04-19 in the bag 这个短语大家一定不陌生,它本身有两个意思: 1. 字面意思,就是在袋子里、在包里的意思。比如我们可以说:I put some clothes and books in the bag. 我把一些衣服和书本放包里了。 2. 另外一个意思,表示十拿九稳、稳操胜券。其实就是从字面意思引申过来...

  • be in the bag 十拿九稳

    22-02-17 十拿九稳,汉语成语,指十成的几率,占了九成,形容做事很有把握。可以翻译为be in the bag,have something well in hand等。 例句: 看到他受欢迎的样子,他们觉得他当选是十拿九稳的。 Judging by the enthusiastic reception given him everywhere, they felt that...

  • pig的习惯用语

    22-02-09 live like pigs in clover 养尊处优 pig between two sheets 火腿三明治 pig in the middle 夹在中间的人 pig sweat 啤酒、劣酒 drive ones pigs to market 打鼾 please the pigs 如果运气好的话 sell a pig in a bag 挂羊头买狗肉 sweat like a pig 大汗淋漓 go to pi...

  • Rip off. 欺骗。

    22-01-25 Rip off. 欺骗。 例句: Those brands would rip you off. 这些品牌会欺骗你的。 I bought this new bag for more price than expected. I got ripped off. 我以高于预期的价格买了这个新包,我上当了。...

  • bag lady 无家可归的女子

    21-08-30 Bag lady: A homeless woman, especially one in a big city, who carries her possessions with her, as in a shopping bag. 无家可归的女子,她们通常生活在大城市,把自己的东西背在购物袋中。 Bag it: Literally, to put or take something in a bag, such as groc...

  • you've got it in the bag 稳操胜券

    21-04-24 Youve got it in the bag. 这句话可用来告诉他人你相信并认为此人正在做的事情 十有八九能成功,也就是汉语里说的 稳操胜券、十拿九稳。这句话的时态也可以变成一般过去时,即 You had it in the bag.,与 Youve got it in the bag. 意思相同。在使用中,还可以用所做...

  • 梦寐以求的手提包

    21-02-27 Imagine you were going to make a mans bag. A large, luxury bag that you could take away for the weekend. What features would you include? Tanned leather? Of course. Handmade by skilled craftsmen? Yes. So beautiful that flight attendants line up to t...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 2

    21-02-24 Stratton suddenly turned his back and stared blankly through the open door. With the same unconscious instinct which had moved him to conceal his face from the old man, he fumbled in one pocket and drew forth papers and tobacco sack. It spoke well f...