21-04-07 到2021年,英格兰地区每一座大城市、乡镇的店铺、咖啡厅和商户都会免费给路人提供续水服务。推行该计划的行业机构英国水务公司(Water UK)称,此项目每年可以减少数千万一次性塑料瓶的使用。 You wont go thirsty in Bradford on Avon (UK). In this Wiltshire market...
21-03-24 国家网信办、工信部、公安部、国家市场监管总局四部门近日联合发布《常见类型移动互联网应用程序必要个人信息范围规定》,明确了39类常见类型移动应用程序必要个人信息范围。 Mobile apps will be banned from illegally collecting unnecessary personal information...
21-02-10 你是不是总是低着头看手机?你是不是已经不知不觉地变成了smombie 手机僵尸?智能手机给现代人的生活带来了巨大的便利,但同时也成为了一个严重转移人们注意力的事物。一个三人程序开发小组称他们编写了一个能让现代人放下手机的程序。 Were all probably guilty of us...
21-02-09 近些年来,通过用手机应用程序叫车上下班已经成为很多人常用的通勤方式。然而,随着使用这类软件的用户数不断增加,城市内的交通拥堵情况也变得更加严重:更多的车辆减慢了车流速度,从而导致道路交通瘫痪。我们可以怎样解决这个难题? Have you ever taken a taxi? In...
21-02-08 交友方式随着科技发展在不断演变。从最初简单的由朋友介绍认识未来伴侣,到现在利用网络软件结识未来配偶。人们交流、交友的渠道越来越广泛。在英国,人们对交友软件已不再陌生。但这些软件到底有多受欢迎?有多少人真的找到了自己的知己? The course of true love ne...
20-04-07 新冠疫情当下馆子和外卖都不是首选,越来越多的人开始点亮做菜的新技能。 As eating out and take-out are no longer good options amid the coronavirus pandemic, more and more people are discovering a new found interest in the kitchen. Last month, downloads...
19-01-16 The Global Joint Visa Application Center and Tencents WeChat announced their plan to release an app named Weifeng Visa that would allow travelers from China to complete visa applications online. 全球联合签证申请中心与腾讯微信宣布,计划发布一款名为微...
18-07-05 Tik Tok has been banned by local authorities in Indonesia on Wednesday for inappropriate content. 抖音因不合适的内容被印尼政府封禁。 According to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology in the country, the app contains pornography,...
18-06-21 Bike sharing giant Mobike has introduced parking controls for its service. 摩拜单车推出停车推荐点服务。 Users who park the companys share bikes in forbidden areas in downtown Shanghai will receive a message on their phone reminding them to use the d...
18-06-09 Apple has unveiled digital wellbeing tools to help people reduce the time they spend glued to their screens. 苹果公司推出了一款数字健康工具,以帮助人们减少沉迷于手机的时间。 A new app called Screen Time will offer iPhone and iPad users a dashboard h...