• 英国怀特岛发现两个新的恐龙物种

    21-10-14 考古学家发现了两个新的恐龙物种,它们可能在1.25亿年前在英格兰南部游荡。这个发现为了解这些捕食者提供了新的认知。 They would have been a terrifying sight, roaming the Earth 125 million years ago. Both were nine metres long with skulls similar to a croc...

  • The Fox and the Monkey that Became a King 狐狸与猴子国王

    21-10-04 Once upon a time, the animals gathered together and had a meeting in the woods. Their meeting was about Who gets to become the king? However, they could not come to a conclusion easily. 从前,动物们聚在一起在树林里开会。会议的主题是谁将成为国王?但...

  • 和“动物”有关的英语表达

    21-10-02 每年的十月四日是 世界动物日 World Animal Day,设定这一节日的初衷是倡导人们善待、关爱并保护动物。有不少英语表达中都包含和特定动物有关的词语,但这些说法的含义通常出乎人们的意料。试做下面小测验中的六道题目,看看你对六个常用 动物 词汇的掌握程度。 1. Ani...

  • 鸟类如何利用地球磁场帮助导航迁徙

    21-09-17 鸟类如何长途跋涉,飞越海洋和陆地?科学家离揭开这个谜团又近了一步。 Scientists studied the robin a familiar garden bird that can sometimes migrate flying alone, at night and often over great distances. They identified a magnetically sensitive molecul...

  • 韩国司法部计划提高动物的法律地位

    21-08-23 近年来韩国虐待动物案件数量大增,为此韩国司法部计划在9月对民法进行修改,将动物不是物品写入民法,希望借由提高动物的法律地位来减少虐待动物行径。 South Korea plans to change its civil code to grant animals legal status, Choung Jae-min, legal counsel at...

  • 如何区分especially和specially

    21-06-02 副词 especially 和 specially 从拼写上看只差一个字母 e,而且意思相近,使用时常被混淆。Especially 指 格外,尤其,而 specially 表示 特意地,专门地。 用法总结 Specially 和 especially 都是副词。 1 Especially 的意思是 特别,尤其。 I like food, but I espec...

  • 云南15头野生亚洲野象北迁动态备受关注

    21-06-01 近日,云南亚洲野象群北迁动态备受关注。 The 15 wild Asian elephants are now wandering in the Hongta district of Yuxi, following a long journey from Yunnan provinces southmost prefecture starting from April 16. As of Sunday morning, the elephants were...

  • 霸王龙曾像狼群一样成群捕食?

    21-05-16 霸王龙是否比我们想象中的更善于交际?一直以来,科学家们都曾以为霸王龙是离群索居的食肉动物,喜欢独自捕食和生活。然而,来自美国阿肯色大学的一组古生物学家可能发现了有关这种可怕动物的一个新理论。 The theory that tyrannosaurs were social animals was first...

  • 中通回应成都宠物盲盒事件

    21-05-08 5月3日,有网友爆料成都市区一快递点出现大批量宠物盲盒,许多小猫小狗在路边奄奄一息,该事件引发网络热议。 The pet mystery box has been trending on multiple e-commerce platforms, including Taobao and Pinduoduo.It allows users to buy pets of unknown bree...

  • 气候变化:北极驯鹿数量跌半

    21-04-01 在过去的二十年间,北极地区的北美驯鹿(或野生驯鹿)的总数已骤减多半。一份关于北极地区气候变化影响的新报告显示,这类驯鹿的总数从近五百万只下降到约二百一十万只。这项报告在美国地球物理联盟(American Geophysical Union)会议上发表。 A warmer Arctic and gr...