10-09-09 A research team led by Cary Pirone from the Department of Biological Sciences at Florida International University has identified bilirubin(胆红素) in the popular Bird of Paradise(天堂鸟) plant. The breakthrough study, published in the September...
10-09-08 An international consortium(联合,财团) of researchers has completed the majority of the genome sequence of the domesticated(家养的,驯服的) turkey, publishing it in the online open-access journal PLoS Biology next week. In 2008, the research co...
10-06-05 Canine lovers were in mourning Thursday at the news that a bug-eyed Chinese crested hairless pooch, who was officially crowned the World's Ugliest Dog, has died at age 17. 获评世界最丑的中国冠毛犬、暴眼无毛狗艾莉小姐近日去世,时年17岁。爱狗人士听闻...
10-05-26 The majestic animals most closely associated with the African savanna(热带草原) -- fierce(凶猛的,暴躁的) lions, massive elephants, towering giraffes(长颈鹿) -- may be relatively minor players when it comes to shaping the ecosystem. The real k...
09-12-07 I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! winner Gino D'Acampo and Stuart Manning face charges of animal cruelty after cooking and eating a rat in the show. 《我是明星...让我离开这里?方谀炕袷ふ逩ino D'Acampo和Stuart Manning因在节目中烹饪并吃掉一只老鼠...
09-11-26 Fathers of the animal kingdom are not that different from our own beloved dads. Sure, human dads can play catch(做传球的游戏) and help with homework, but can they give birth? Daddy sea horses can! This Father's Day, while you're praising your fami...
09-11-23 Understanding mixing in the ocean is of fundamental importance to modeling climate change or predicting the effects of an El Nio(厄尔尼诺海流) on our weather. Modern ocean models primarily incorporate the effects of winds and tides. However, they...
09-09-14 Teeth and bones from late Ice Age animals, including hyenas, deer and woolly rhinos, have been discovered by archaeologists at a cave in Devon. 英国德文郡的考古学家在一个山洞中发现了冰河时期的动物牙齿和骨骼,包括斑鬣狗、鹿和犀牛。 The dig is part of...
09-08-10 A virtual reality exhibit is giving visitors the extreme ranges of sight and hearing that many animals have. 一套虚拟现实设备可以给人许多动物的极致的视野和听觉。 The view of a bird's nest is different in visible, infrared, and ultraviolet The so-cal...
09-07-29 患有白内障的狮子、长颈鹿、老虎和熊等动物们不用再忍受眼前黑暗的痛苦了,德国一家公司最近专为它们研制出了一款隐形眼镜。该公司兽医部负责人表示,对动物来说,白内障就意味着失明。而由于动物寿命相对较短,失明会让它们丧失更多的生活体验。虽然此项定制服务及后...