• 珊瑚可预防晒伤

    23-01-29 英国的研究人员说,他们发现水下珊瑚里的某些化学物质能够用来帮助人们预防晒伤,他们希望能够研制出一种防晒药片。 Coral is an animal that thrives in shallow water, where it can absorb vital sunlight, but that also makes it vulnerable to strong ultraviole...

  • 巴塔哥巨龙骨架模型将在英国展出

    23-01-29 一副恐龙化石骨架的复制模型将于新年来到伦敦展出,这头恐龙可能是有史以来在陆地上行走的最大的动物。 Dinosaur skeletons are always a big draw, and the Natural History Museum will showcase next year the biggest of the lot. 恐龙骨架一直是吸引众人前来参观...

  • 2021年全国农业及相关产业增加值184419亿元

    23-01-10 据国家统计局网站消息,经核算,2021年全国农业及相关产业增加值为184419亿元,比上年增长10.5%。 The added value of agriculture and related industries in China was 18.44 trillion yuan in 2021, up 10.5 percent over the previous year (not excluding price f...

  • 科学家为不列颠群岛所有生命进行基因组测序

    22-11-28 这是生物学领域最雄心勃勃的项目之一:科学家们想为英国和爱尔兰发现的每一种有机体DNA测序。 The project called the Darwin Tree of Life is an immense undertaking. Scientists are collecting the DNA from every species of animal, plants and fungi as well as...

  • Zebra 斑马企业

    22-10-10 在商业和技术术语里,一个unicorn(独角兽)是指市值超过10亿美元的启动公司,例如Uber或Airbnb,这正如珍稀难觅的神话动物独角兽一般。该词最初由企业家Aileen Lee在2013年的文章中提出,当时称Facebook为super-unicorn,因其市值1000多亿美元。 在独角兽公司为投资者...

  • year of fate 本命年

    22-08-15 如果要说我属羊,那就是:I was born in/under the Year of the Sheep。介词用 in 或 under 都可以。 正因为有生肖纪年的习俗,于是在我们这里有了本命年的概念。那羊年是我的本命年英语怎么说呢? Since I am a Sheep in the Chinese horoscope, this is my year. 在...

  • 打招呼交朋友如何开口 4

    22-05-26 31. This place is awesome! Have you been here before? 这地方太棒了!你以前来过这吗? 称赞场地也是打开话匣子的好方法。 32. If you could be an animal, what would you be and why? 如果你能成为一种动物,你会做什么,为什么? 问完这个问题后,可得忍住笑。这...

  • 询问信息

    22-02-15 G: Who else is going to be there? H: Im inviting you, my sister, and several friends from work and school. G: Your sister? She is such a party animal. She parties really hard. H: Yeah. So you neednt worry sitting there by yourself. G: Exactly! I rea...