• special amnesty 特赦

    15-09-09 Under the draft, four categories of inmates who were sentenced before Jan 1 next year and who do not pose a threat to society will be granted the special amnesty . 根据草案,对2015年1月1日前正在服刑、释放后不具有现实社会危险性的四类罪犯实行特赦。 Am...

  • 俄国家杜马通过大赦令 涉及2万多人

    13-12-27 Russian MPs have backed an amnesty that may include some of the country's best-known prisoners including Pussy Riot and the Greenpeace Arctic protesters. 俄罗斯国家杜马全体通过了一项大赦令,朋克乐队暴动小猫成员和绿色和平组织北极示威者等囚犯有望获释...

  • 朝鲜将特赦部分囚犯

    12-01-10 North Korea says it will grant an amnesty for prisoners to mark the birthdays of two late leaders. 朝鲜政府宣布将特赦犯人以纪念两位已故领导的诞辰。 Kim Jong-un took over from his father, Kim Jong-il, after his death on 17 December State news agency...

  • 国际特赦批评“政治化的国际正义”

    10-05-27 Amnesty International has criticised the politicisation of international justice in its annual report, which documents torture in 111 countries. 国际特赦组织在其年度报告中批评了政治化的国际正义,该报告记载了111个国家的拷问事件。 The human rights gro...
