• 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-2》第17章

    22-12-22 His brow furrowed in concern, Zanik peered up at his son. This was by far the scariest thing he had ever done. Stalling, he ran his hands along the blue paper airplane once more. His son had constructed it out of the blue paper hat, and it seemed st...

  • 东方航空发布迪斯尼主题飞机

    19-08-13 A new aircraft depicting Duffy and Friends made its maiden flight Monday in celebration of the upcoming Duffy Month, scheduled in September at Shanghai Disney Resort. 一架以《达菲和朋友》涂装的新飞机周一开始首航,为庆祝计划于9月在上海迪斯尼乐园举行...

  • 小王子 Chapter 3

    16-07-11 It took me a long time to learn where he came from. The little prince, who asked me so many questions, never seemed to hear the ones I asked him. It was from words dropped by chance that, little by little, everything was revealed to me. The first ti...

  • 空姐帮忙进食引老人落泪

    15-12-11 An inspirational act was spotted on an airplane, when a young stewardess fed a senior man who was having trouble holding a spoon. 某航班内出现温暖人心的一幕:一位年轻的空姐帮助抓不住汤匙的老人进食。 The flight departed from Zhengzhou, capital of Hen...

  • 细菌能在飞机机舱内存活数日

    14-05-21 Disease-causing bacteria can linger on surfaces commonly found in airplane cabins for days, even up to a week, according to research presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Many air travelers are concerned about the...

  • airplane bath 飞机洗澡法

    14-03-06 Airplane bath is a quick method of cleaning by taking a wet wash cloth under each wing and the tail; meaning the armpits and the crotch region. 飞机洗澡法是一种快速洗澡方法,即用湿毛巾在两腋和胯部区域擦一下完事。 Example: Dude 1: Hey, are you going...

  • 周末机票价格比平时便宜5%

    13-02-25 One economist has good news for bargain hunters: According to his data, you don't have to sacrifice a good night's sleep in order to get a cheap airplane ticket. That's because tickets purchased on weekends are actually about 5 percent cheaper than...

  • Airplane mode 飞行模式

    11-07-10 Airplane mode (or flight mode) means someone cuts themselves off from the world by not logging on to social networking sites or checking their cell phones. This usually occurs after a breakup or a rough work week. 飞行模式指某人不上社交网站,也不开...

  • A Stingy Guy

    11-03-30 Matt and his wife lived in the country. Matt was very stingy(吝啬的) and hated spending money. One day a fair came to the nearby town. Lets go to the fair, Matt, his wife said, We havent been anywhere for a long time. Matt thought about this for a...

  • 世界首架可昼夜飞行的太阳能飞机瑞士试飞

    10-04-10 世界上首架可实现昼夜飞行的太阳能飞机阳光动力号本周三在瑞士首都伯尔尼附近的一座军用机场成功完成首次试飞。此次试飞持续了87分钟,最高飞行高度达到了1200米。 The Solar Impulse, which has 12,000 solar cells built into its wings, is a prototype for an airc...
