11-04-02 昨天是4月1日愚人节,英国几家颇具愚乐精神的报纸纷纷炮制猛料,让不少读者大跌眼镜。 Portugal football star Cristiano Ronaldo is to join Spain to help ease his nation's debt crisis and Britain is to begin taxing fresh air, British newspapers reported in...
11-03-15 You've all heard of the Air Force's ultra-high-security, super-secret base in Nevada, known simply as Area 51? Well, late one afternoon, the Air Force folks out at Area 51 were very surprised to see a Cessna landing at their secret base. They immedi...
11-01-21 Washington State University sleep researchers have determined that the air traffic controller in the crash of a Lexington, Ky., commuter flight was substantially fatigued(疲乏的) when he failed to detect that the plane was on the wrong runway and...
10-09-16 Air Force Office of Scientific Research- sponsored(赞助,发起) researcher, Dr. Robert Wood of Harvard University is leading the way in what could become the next phase of high-performance micro air vehicles for the Air Force. His basic research is...
10-09-02 Passengers who fly in Developing World countries face 13 times the risk of being killed in an air accident as passengers in the First World. The more economically advanced countries in the Developing World have better overall(全部的) safety record...
10-05-20 Breathing polluted air increases stress on the heart's regulation capacity, up to six hours after inhalation(吸入) of combustion-related small particles called PM2.5, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers. Stress on the heart fro...
10-05-20 A new study from the Swedish medical university Karolinska Institutet presents a new technique that makes drug testing possible through exhaled(呼气,发散) air for the first time. By examining people who had received emergency care for an amphetam...
10-05-04 Trees and other plants help keep the planet cool, but rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are turning down this global air conditioner. According to a new study by researchers at the Carnegie Institution for Science, in some regions mo...
10-04-22 Air traffic in Europe should be back to almost 100% on Thursday, after six days of unprecedented travel chaos, the air traffic agency Eurocontrol says. 欧洲航行安全组织称,在历时6天的空前交通混乱之后,欧洲航空运输有望在周四几乎100%恢复正常。 Airline...
10-04-21 A study by the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health (CCCEH) carried out in Krakow, Poland has found that prenatal(产前的,胎儿期的) exposure to pollutants(污染物) can adversely(不利地,反对地) affect children's cognitive(认知的...