15-06-16 China is promoting the use of wind-generated electricity for winter heating in northern regions as part of its effort to alleviate air pollution. 中国政府倡导北方地区使用风力发电进行冬季采暖以缓解空气污染。 The National Energy Administration (NEA) o...
15-06-13 The air around us is a chaotic superhighway of molecules whizzing through space and constantly colliding with each other at speeds of hundreds of miles per hour. Such erratic molecular behavior is normal at ambient temperatures. But scientists have...
15-06-10 Up earlier than usual. The air is calling. Spring air is different from winter air. Tree branches are serrated with red bud teeth. Later, they grow chartreuse fuzz, making pale green auras in the sun. Summer leaves will be dark, shading, but spring...
15-05-28 Six cities including Beijing, Tianjin, Tangshan, Langfang, Baoding and Cangzhou are set to build a unified system to forecast heavy smog and provide emergency response measures, Beijing Times reports on Wednesday. 《新京报》周三报道,北京、天津、唐...
15-05-15 The southwestern Chinese city of Chengdu is to build a second airport to meet the growing air travel demand. 中国西南部城市成都将修建第二座机场以满足不断增长的航空旅行需求。 Construction is likely to start by the end of this year, said Zhou Laizhen,...
15-03-26 Egypt has proposed a ceasefire to end a week of cross-border fire between the Gaza Strip and Israel. The initiative urges a ceasefire starting imminently followed by a series of meetings in Cairo with high-level delegations from both sides. 埃及提出...
15-03-10 It might take China a decade to tackle its notorious smog problem, said Zhong Nanshan, a deputy of the National People's Congress and a renowned respiratory expert specializing in pandemics. 全国人大代表、著名呼吸道疾病专家钟南山表示,中国治霾10年能...
15-02-16 UK commuters spend an average of about 1.5 hours a day at the wheel. Road vehicles in particular are known to emit polluting nanoparticles which contribute to respiratory and heart diseases. Now, researchers at the University of Surrey have found th...
15-02-08 Nearly 90 percent of China's big cities failed to meet air quality standards in 2014, but that was still an improvement on 2013 as the country's war on pollution began to take effect, the environment ministry said on Monday. 环保部周一表示,2014年中...
15-01-22 Residents in Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality have been banned from making smoked bacon, a traditional method of preserving pork, as it is blamed for causing foul air in the city. 中国西南部城市重庆市市民被禁止制作熏肉(一种保存猪肉的传统方...