• 如何用英语和前任说再见——劈腿

    22-05-11 He is having an affair. 他在搞外遇。 He is seeing her behind your back. 他背着你偷偷跟她约会。 He is not finished with his ex. 他对他前女友余情未了。 Finally you can cheat on me, huh? 你终于有机会劈腿了,哈?...

  • unrequited love 单相思

    22-02-28 unrequited是形容词,意思是(爱情)单方面的,得不到回报的,单相思的。 Its just another poem on the pain of unrequited love. 这不过又是一首表现单相思之苦的诗。 这里补充和恋爱相关的英语表达: 一见钟情 love at first sight 怦然心动 flip 迷恋 crush 单恋 o...

  • Horsing Around

    17-05-17 Brian and his two friends are hanging out at a bar. Theyre talking about life, sports and other guy things when the conversation finally gets around to to their marriages. His first friend says: I think my wife is having an affair with the electrici...

  • “出轨”的英文咋说

    17-01-25 At the very least, my heart has been derailed. 至少,我的心已经出轨了。 We also hear the expression love-rat used quite often in popular newspapers. 爱情老鼠(爱情骗子,指那些经常在恋人背后出轨的人)这个表达也经常出现在那些通俗小报上。 Im sure hes g...

  • 莱温斯基性丑闻将被拍成电视剧

    17-01-21 After an award-winning take on the OJ Simpson trial, a future season is rumored to revolve around Bill Clintons affair with a staffer. 继《辛普森公诉案》屡获殊荣后,传言新一季《美国犯罪故事》将围绕比尔克林顿与一名员工的风流韵事展开。 American Crime...

  • 意小三给正室打骚扰电话被判罪并罚款

    15-07-12 An Italian woman who made anonymous calls to her lover's wife to tell her of their affair has been told she must pay a 400 fine for harassment. 意大利一名女子给情人的妻子打匿名电话,揭露他们的情事,被法院以骚扰罪判处300欧元的罚款。 The woman, named...

  • 特里埃维勒因奥朗德劈腿曾吞安眠药

    14-09-04 France's former First Lady, Valerie Trierweiler, has revealed she swallowed sleeping pills after confronting President Francois Hollande over his affair with actress Julie Gayet. 法国前第一夫人瓦莱丽特里埃维勒透露,当得知总统奥朗德与女演员朱莉嘉叶有...

  • 离婚相关词汇

    13-05-13 marital discord 婚姻不和 marital breakdown 婚姻关系的破裂 domestic violence(abuse) 家暴 extramarital affair 婚外情 adultery 通奸 separate 分居 split up 分手/离婚 divorcee 离婚者 divorce rate 离婚率 divorce proceedings 离婚诉讼 divorce settlement 离...

  • 研究:女性更易说出婚外情

    10-09-25 Women are far more likely to gossip about having an affair than men - who only tell strangers, a study reveals today. 今日发布的一项研究显示,女性把婚外情说出去的可能性比男性大得多,而男性只会将这种事告诉陌生人。 Far from wanting to keep it secret,...

  • 经济不景气金融从业者外遇增多

    09-12-05 据英国一家专为寻求外遇者服务的约会网站称,自去年十月市场崩盘以来,到该网站注册寻觅婚外恋的金融界人士大幅增加,而金融持续成为该网站用户所从事职业中人数最多的行业之一。这家提供婚外恋服务的网站称其在英国的用户超过38万,其中2万多人来自金融服务行业。该网...