• favourable timing, geographical and human conditions 天时地

    20-10-24 在成功之路上,中国人讲究天时地利人和。天时指opportune time,地利指geographic advantage,人和指 unity of all ranks; popular support。 这一概念出自《孟子公孙丑下》,天时不如地利,地利不如人和,意思是有利的气候条件不如有利的地理条件,有利的地理条件不如...

  • The Advantage of Noise 噪音的优点

    09-11-07 The Advantage of Noise Wherever I drove my old car over 55 miles per hour ,it vibrated terribly, so I decided to sell it. My first customer wanted to buy the car, and I battled with my conscience over whether or not to tell him of the vehicle's prob...

  • If you want to win in sports, wear red

    09-10-28 If winning is everything, British anthropologists(人类学家) have some advice: Wear red. Their survey of four sports at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens shows competitors were more likely to win their contests if they wore red uniforms or red body...
