• 李若彤携新电影《蝴蝶公墓》回归大屏幕

    17-04-27 Hong Kong actress Carman Lee recently returned to the big screen with a new movie Butterfly Cemetery, or Hu Die Gong Mu in Chinese. 香港女演员李若彤近期携新电影《蝴蝶公墓》回归大屏幕。 Carman Lee is best known for her role as Xiao Longnv in the mart...

  • 2017奥斯卡金像奖提名揭晓

    17-01-25 Best Actress: Natalie Portman - Jackie Emma Stone - La La Land Meryl Streep - Florence Foster Jenkins Isabelle Huppert - Elle Ruth Negga - Loving Best Actor: Casey Affleck - Manchester By the Sea Andrew Garfield - Hacksaw Ridge Denzel Washington - F...

  • 范冰冰林志玲将同台比美

    16-08-25 Two gorgeous stars from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, Fan Bingbing and Lin Chi-ling will meet in an upcoming fashion show, a reality television series which is scheduled to premiere on September 3rd on the Shanghai-based Dragon TV. 两位来自中国大...

  • 安吉丽娜·朱莉被伦敦经济学院任命为客座教授

    16-05-30 The Hollywood star Angelina Jolie has been appointed visiting professor at the London School of Economics (LSE), where she will teach a Masters in gender and human rights. 好莱坞明星安吉丽娜朱莉近日被伦敦经济学院任命为客座教授,教授性别与人权硕士课...

  • 梅婷获评第30届飞天奖最佳女演员

    15-12-30 The 30th China TV Drama Flying Apsaras Awards, also known as Feitian Awards, have been held in the city of Hangzhou. 第30届中国电视剧飞天奖在杭州市举行。 Actress Mei Ting has taken home one of the Best Actress awards for her performance as a mother...

  • 章子怡产下一名女婴

    15-12-28 Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi has announced on her Weibo account that she has given birth to a baby girl. 中国女演员章子怡在微博上宣布产下一名女婴。 Zhang didn't reveal the exact time of her delivery. Zhang posted a picture of the baby's hand on Weibo...

  • 詹尼佛·劳伦斯成2015收入最高女演员

    15-08-21 Jennifer Lawrence is this year's highest-paid actress in Hollywood, according to Forbes. 福布斯杂志报道,詹尼佛劳伦斯是好莱坞本年度收入最高的女演员。 The actress earned an estimated 52 million US dollars during the past twelve months. Her money came...

  • 彭丹荣膺“最受欢迎的女演员”

    15-05-13 Chinese actress Peng Dan has been awarded the Most Popular Actress at the 2nd Sino-American International TV Festival held in LA. 在洛杉矶举行的第二届中美国际电视节上,中国女演员彭丹荣膺最受欢迎的女演员。 Chinese actress Peng Dan delivers her accept...

  • FBI将调查女明星私密照泄露事件

    14-09-02 The FBI is looking into allegations that intimate pictures of celebrities have been stolen and posted online. 美国FBI将着手调查女明星私密照泄露事件。 About 20 personalities, including the US actress Jennifer Lawrence, have had images of themselves l...

  • 妮可·基德曼参加戛纳电影节 脸部浮肿

    14-05-25 When Nicole Kidman arrived in Cannes on Monday night to promote her new movie Grace of Monaco, we were all a bit confused. 5月12日晚上妮可基德曼来到戛纳,宣传她出演的新电影《摩洛哥王妃》。我们见到她时,有点困惑不解。 Mainly because the 46-year-old a...