• 中国科研机构自然指数排名持续上升

    18-06-08 The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is at the top place among the worlds leading institutions for high-quality scientific research, according to the Nature Index 2018 annual tables released on Thursday. 周四公布的自然指数2018显示,中国科学院在全球...

  • academic misconduct 学术不端

    16-07-31 Researchers at institutions of higher education who commit academic misconduct will receive punishments ranging from notices of criticism circulated on campus to being fired, according to a series of regulations released by the Ministry of Education...

  • academic chicken 学术鸡

    14-07-22 The phrase academic chicken refers to academic work of poor quality in which you are essentially daring your professor or teacher to give you a bad grade. 学术鸡指的是质量很差的学术论文,如果交上去你的教授很可能给你个差评。 Example: I just submitted...

  • 睡眠质量差影响学习成绩

    14-06-04 A new study shows that college students who are poor sleepers are much more likely to earn worse grades and withdraw from a course than healthy sleeping peers. Results show that sleep timing and maintenance problems in college students are a strong...

  • 科学界鲜有女性的原因

    12-12-12 One common idea about why there are fewer women professors in the sciences than men is that women are less willing to work the long hours needed to succeed. Writing in the January Issue of BioScience, Shelley Adamo of Dalhousie University, Nova Scot...

  • academic fraud 学术欺诈

    12-11-13 China should make academic fraud a crime to curb dishonesty, a deputy of National People's Congress (NPC) proposed at the annual two sessions. 一位全国人大代表在两会上提议,中国应设立学术欺诈罪来遏制造假行为。 文中的make academic fraud a crime指的就...

  • 留学申请专业术语1

    11-06-16 Academic year:组成学年的单位,如:学期、学季等。 Academic advisor:由学校中的教授或职员担任,帮助学生学业问题的顾问。 Accreditation:资格认可。申请学校时应特别注意所申请的学校是否被有关机关认可。 Admission:入学许可。 Advanced placement:申请美国大...

  • 研究:女教师的教育方式阻碍男孩成长

    10-09-06 Women teachers are holding back boys by reprimanding them for typically male behaviour, according to a study out today. 根据今日发布的一项研究,女教师责备男孩的男性典型行为,从而阻碍了男孩的成长。 They are reinforcing stereotypes(陈词滥调,老套) t...

  • 青少年学习成绩受多巴胺基因影响

    10-09-03 The academic performance of adolescents will suffer in at least one of four key subjects English, math, science, history if their DNA contains one or more of three specific dopamine(多巴胺) gene variations, according to a study led by renowned(著...

  • 英国学术网站被劫持销售假药

    10-03-07 UK academic institutions have unwittingly become the accomplices of criminals selling fake drugs online. 英国某学术机构在毫不知情的情况下成为犯罪分子在网上销售假药的帮凶。 Servers were used to bounce people on to fake pharmacy sites A security firm...