• 丢弃无用之物,只留重要的

    20-08-10 又到了今年的春日清洁季,我想着需要清洁的不止是一个冬天的污垢尘霾,还有多年累积的杂物。这些杂物有的靠着墙,有的在架子上,还有的在我拥挤的衣橱。 When Spring cleaning season arrived this year I decided that it was time to get rid of more than just a Wi...

  • 你只需要深呼吸,保持信念

    20-07-30 I had to put the following quote into practice 25 years ago 25年前,我曾反复念诵一句话 when I was asked to give a speech at my precious friend Evys wedding. 因为我应邀参加从前的好友Evy的婚礼,必须作一番演讲 Sometimes the best thing you can do is 有...

  • 我为什么总能如此开心?

    20-07-30 Optimism isnt believing everything is great, 乐观并不是指,相信一切都非常好 its believing that there is always will be a reason to be happy. 而是相信,一定可以找到一个理由,让自己开心起来 People wonder why Im so happy all the time 许多人感到疑问,为...

  • 不管什么年龄都可以做出积极的改变

    20-07-30 I am writing this piece 我之所以写下这篇文章 after reading a writing from a celebrity 是因为看了一位明星写下的一段话 that was encouraging young people to take their lives seriously 大意是告诫年轻人一定要珍惜光阴 between the age of 18 and 25 特别是在...

  • 英语美文:加油,坚持住!

    20-07-30 Hi all, 大家好 have faith 保持信念 and hold on champ 坚持住 you will get there... 你一定会到达你的目标 We all have dreams and goals 我们都有梦想和目标 and at some point in time 在某时某刻 we do get stuck 我们会陷入困境,止步不前 and question ourselv...

  • 《我撞上了秋天》--郁达夫(中译英)

    20-06-21 I Have Run Head-on into Autumn 我撞上了秋天 Because early morning is the most pleasant time of the day in this long, hot summer, I have developed a habit of getting up or going to bed at daybreak, which is around four thirty, for sure. 今夏漫长的炎...

  • 如何读更多的书?

    20-06-21 The perpetual struggle for each of us is finding more time to read. Even for voracious readers, downtime with a good book can be elusive. Speed reading is certainly one way to read more books because it helps you read each book in less time. I have...

  • 克服懒惰的五个简单小妙招

    20-06-21 Number one, lazy innovation. 第一,懒惰与创新。 Theres a common saying that necessity is the mother of innovation. Every new invention aims to satisfy some kind of need. People needed to see without wearing glasses, so someone invented contacts. Peo...