• 梦想不能出售

    20-04-14 Jehdi and Hassan were two merchants who were very close friends. Jehdi was a cheerful person, whereas Hassan was very serious, perhaps too cautious and careful. But an unbreakable bond of friendship tied them together and this made their journey in...

  • Life Is to Be Whole 生命在于完整

    20-04-07 从前有一只圆圈缺了一块楔子。圆圈想保持完整,便四处寻找失去的那块楔子 Once a circle missed a wedge.The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece. But because it was incomplete and therefore could roll only very slowly,...

  • Home 家

    20-04-07 什么组成了家庭?是爱、同情和信心。 What makes a home? Love and sympathy and confidence. It is a place where kindly affections exist among all the members of the family. The parents take good care of their children, and the children are interested in...

  • 不要因为失败而放弃努力

    20-04-01 As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break awa...

  • 土豆、鸡蛋和咖啡的哲学

    20-03-31 从前,女儿向父亲抱怨道,她的人生苦不堪言,她不知道如何继续生活下去。她厌倦了一直奋斗挣扎。仿佛解决了一个问题,立刻就会出现另一个问题。做厨师的父亲把她带到厨房里。他分别往三口锅里添上了水,并放到高火上煮 Once upon a time a daughter complained to her...

  • 母亲节给母亲的感谢信

    20-03-30 Hi, Im Bonnie. Im from Teleflora. I have a special delivery from your son Ryan, that he really wants you to see. 我是Teleflora的邦妮。这里有一份来自你儿子莱恩的特别快递,他想让你看一下这个。 Hi, mom! Happy Mothers Day. 嗨,妈妈!母亲节快乐。 I wanna...

  • 英语美文 如何优雅的成长

    20-03-30 Dear six-year-old, training wheels are for babies. Just let go already. Regards, a seven-year-old. 6岁的人,辅助轮是给小宝宝用的,就勇敢一点吧。来自,一个7岁的人。 Dear seven-year-old, no matter what anyone says, stay weird. Signed, an eight-year-ol...

  • 你把东西落在车厢里了

    20-03-25 有六个人搭乘火车旅行,坐在同一车箱内。其中五个很安静,也很规矩。但第六个是个粗鲁的年轻人,给其他乘客招惹了许多麻烦。 Six people were travelling in a compartment on a train. Five of them were quiet and well behaved, but the sixth was a rude young man...

  • 英语美文 学会倾听

    20-03-24 When I started out as a reporter, I had to learn to really listen, which didnt come easily to me. 当我初为一名记者的时候,我不得不学会倾听,这对于我来说并不容易。 Im from a family that loves to debate and argue, and Im naturally opinionated. 我来自...

  • 英语美文 瀑布的哲理

    20-03-19 你曾经站在瀑布下面过吗? Have you ever stood under a waterfall? At first, all you hear would just be buzzing noise. But if you stay there for a little while, you would find that the noise disappeared. Its not that the whole world just fell into sile...