• 学会独处,珍惜身边的人

    20-03-19 有很多人走进我们的人生。 Many people come to us in our lives. But most of them are just trivial passangers. They show up here and there, now and then. But they never really know us. They never succeeded in opening the gate of our hearts. Ones time i...

  • 英语美文:我期待自己变老

    20-03-17 I choose the thoughts that make me feel comfortable with growing older. 我选择能让自己坦然面对衰老的想法。 I am the perfect age. 我正值最佳年龄。 Each year is special and precious and filled with wonders all its own. 人生当中的每一年都是特别而珍贵的...

  • 英语美文:One Isn't Always One

    20-03-17 Which is correct: A dozen eggs is? Or A dozen eggs are? I remember being in elementary school, and my teachers making a big deal about the unit. And I never really got that, until one day, I was in the grocery store, and I wanted to buy an apple, bu...

  • 英语美文:爱情就像一座四季花园

    20-03-17 Love is like a four-season garden A relationship is like a garden, if it is to strive it must be watered regularly, special care must be given; take into account the seasons as well as any unpredictable weather. New seeds must be sown and weeds must...

  • 双语美文:打破千篇一律,也能成就人生

    20-03-17 On a bench in Regen s Park, London, on October 7, 1970, a young man studying for MBA degree at London Business School met an Irish girl who first arrived in London. 1970年的10月7日,在伦敦摄政公园的一个长椅上,一位在伦敦商学院读MBA的小伙子,遇见了一...

  • 双语美文:问候的力量

    20-03-04 I work at a company where there are about a gazillion employees. I cant say that I know them all by name, but I know my fair share of them. I think that almost all of them know me. Id say thats the reason Ive been able to go wherever it is Ive made...

  • Don't Let Weakness Limit Your possibilities

    11-05-09 We all have weaknesses and strengths no matter who we are. Sometimes the weaknesses seem to outweigh the strengths and sometimes its the other way around. Some people get sick easily. Some struggle to manage their finances properly. Some people are...

  • 父亲最后的拥抱 In praise of hugs

    11-05-09 I grew up bereft (被剥夺的,缺少的) of hugs. Neither of my parents was the cuddly type. Greetings involving kissing caused me to wince, and hugging generally just made me feel awkward. Then one hug changed all that. One month before my 40th birthd...

  • 不想当王子的青蛙

    11-05-09 Wanda, the neighborhood witch, was a good witch (女巫师) and had been one for about 221 years. Her fondest dream was to become a fairy godmother. She had been going to the Fairy Godmother Academy for 103 years, learning fairy godmother magic: how...

  • Letter from E.B. White

    11-05-09 This is the letter that Mr. White (美国当代著名散文家、评论家,著有《精灵鼠小弟》)、《夏洛的网》等) wrote before his death about his three books for children: Dear Reader: I receive many letters from children and can't answer them all -- there woul...