• 为让人们保持社交距离,罗马尼亚鞋匠早出75码皮鞋

    20-06-08 罗马尼亚一鞋匠造出了75码的皮鞋,让穿鞋者可以践行社交隔离规定,迄今已经收到了5个订单。 A cobbler has created size 75 leather shoes as a way for wearers to practise social distancing, after noticing that people were not following the safety guidance a...

  • 新冠疫情期间,美国民众疯抢自行车

    20-06-08 因为新冠疫情全国封过,骑自行车似乎已经成为许多美国人选择的户外活动,近几个月自行车销量大涨就是证明。 Cycling appears to have become the outdoors activity of choice for many Americans amid nationwide shutdowns from the coronavirus pandemic, as eviden...

  • 世卫组织暂停了对羟氯喹的研究

    20-06-01 The World Health Organization is pausing the use of hydroxychloroquine in its global study of COVID-19 treatments amid a review of safety data, officials announced Monday. 周一,世界卫生组织官员宣布,审查安全数据期间,在对新冠病毒疗法的全球研究中暂...

  • 日本游乐园疫情新规:禁止游客大声喊叫或欢呼

    20-06-01 本周,日本解除全国紧急状态,大型游乐园运营商组成的协会发布了一份关于如何确保游客和职员在疫情期间安全的指导方针。其中有很多意料之中的规定。但有些规定却可能会让游客大吃一惊。其中一条指导方针建议游乐园敦促乘坐过山车等户外设施的游客避免大声喊叫或欢呼。...

  • 国内多个城市开始允许在周末定期摆摊设点

    20-06-01 Cities around China started allowing people to set up roadside booths or food stalls on streets on a regular basis over the weekend. 国内多个城市开始允许在周末定期摆摊设点。 The vendors had been banned to keep the cities clean, and their return is e...

  • 低风险地区校园内学生不需佩戴口罩

    20-06-01 国家卫健委、教育部日前制定《中小学校新冠肺炎疫情防控技术方案(修订版)》(以下简称《方案》)。 Primary and secondary school students no longer need to wear masks on campuses in areas with a low risk of COVID-19, according to the protocols. 《方案》明确...

  • 日本全面解除紧急状态

    20-05-28 日本首相安倍晋三5月25日宣布结束大东京地区和北海道为控制新冠肺炎疫情而实施的紧急状态。至此,日本国内已全部解除紧急状态,民众可以自由外出,企业恢复运营。 Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Monday declared an end to the state of emergency imposed to...

  • 夏季临近,欧洲计划逐步取消内部边界限制

    20-05-22 自从欧洲成为新冠肺炎疫情中心后,这一全球最大旅游目的地的旅游业遭受重创。但随着夏季的临近,欧洲迫切希望解除限制,让受到疫情严重打击的经济体能从旅游消费中获得急需的资金。 The worlds biggest tourist playground has been roped off since it became a coron...

  • 中南大学应用化学系云毕业照走红网络

    20-05-19 中南大学应用化学系的学生用大头照和手绘式学士服PS了一组毕业照。近日,这组照片在中国社交媒体上走红。 Using headshots and hand-painted bachelor uniforms, applied chemistry majors at the Central South University photoshopped a series of graduation photos...

  • 新冠疫情隔离导致意法民众人均增重2公斤及更多

    20-05-18 The pasta, pizza and Peroni have finally taken their toll, with Italians emerging from two months of lockdown an average 2 kg heavier. 意面、披萨和佩罗尼啤酒终于来算账了,经过两个月的封锁期,意大利人平均增重2公斤。 Their cousins across the Alps have...