• 九位文化名人美到极致的双语句子

    20-06-12 村上春树说: 如若相爱,便携手到老;如若错过,便护他安好。 If love, hold hands forever; if miss, protect him well. 梁实秋说: 你走,我不送你。你来,无论多大风多大雨,我要去接你。 You leave, I will not see you. You come, no matter how difficult it is,...

  • 控制自己的情绪 Managing Your Emotions

    20-06-12 What makes me argry? 什么事会让我愤怒呢? Mostly,l hate when someone tries to make someone else feel bad. 通常这种情况下,当有人试图使别人觉得不舒服时,我会非常愤怒。 I have to admit that once, when l was actually called names. 我不得不承认,有一次...

  • 让你生活变得更美好的35件小事

    20-06-03 赠人玫瑰,手有余香;让你生活变得更美好的35件小事。 1. Say Good morning to a person standing next to you in the elevator. 在电梯里对站在身边的人说早安。 2. Pay the toll for the driver behind you. 为您后面的司机支付过路费。 3. Take a minute to direct s...

  • 选工作这件事,合适的才是最好的

    20-06-02 There are many major decisions to make in our life, such as deciding which job to take. 人生中有很多重大决策要做,比如选择一份工作。 Choosing a job is never easy. 选工作这件事,从来都不容易。 Whether it is for students or for those who have already...

  • 研究:养狗能降低因中风或心脏病而死亡的风险

    20-06-02 A recent study conducted in Sweden found the risk of death for dog owners returning home from hospital after a stroke or heart attack was significantly lower than those who didnt come home to a face-licking ball of happiness. 最近在瑞典进行的一项研...

  • Have You Seen the Tree 你见过那棵树吗

    20-05-12 My neighbor Mrs. Gargan first told me about it. Have you seen the tree? she asked as I was sitting in the backyard enjoying the October twilight. 关于那棵树,最初是我的邻居加根太太告诉我的。你见过那棵树吗?她问道,当时我正坐在后院欣赏十月的暮色。 Th...

  • 走出舒适圈,尝试新事物

    20-05-12 Theres a concept in psychology called the comfort zone, which is a place or situation where you feel safe, comfortable, and without stress. It sounds nice and peaceful, doesnt it? Who wouldnt like to live in such a place all the time? 心理学当中有个...

  • 如何击退负面思考

    20-05-12 Negative thinking is one of the biggest obstacles we face in experiencing more happiness, but theres hope. Here are two strategies based on cognitive behavioral therapy to defeat your negative thinking. 负面思考是我们在获得更多幸福时所面对最大的阻碍...

  • 握手是怎么成为通用问候方式的?

    20-04-23 Shaking hands seems like a gesture that has been around forever. Indeed, a throne base from the reign of ancient Assyrias Shalmaneser III in the 9th century BCE clearly shows two figures clasping hands. The Iliad, usually dated to the 8th century BC...

  • 剑桥大学的多彩博物馆

    20-04-09 Museums are a vital part of a world-famous university, which are often run by a university, typically founded to aid teaching and research within the university. In the University of Cambridge, there are altogether seven such museums-Fitzwilliam Mus...