• 研究称空气污染会引起脱发

    20-07-28 If youre worried about your receding hairline and you live in a city, you might want to consider moving, as scientists have found exposure to high levels of air pollution may be linked to hair loss. 如果你为发际线后退而烦恼而你又住在城市里,你可能要...

  • 远程工作者更快乐,对公司更忠诚

    20-07-23 远程工作和在办公室工作,你选择哪个?研究发现,尽管远程工作者的工作时间比办公室工作者更长,但远程工作者更快乐,对公司也更忠诚。 Nowadays, to work remotely all you need is a computer and an internet connection. According to a new study, employees who...

  • 地毯竟比马桶圈脏得多

    20-07-23 You might be diligent about running the vacuum over your carpet whenever it starts to look a bit scruffy, but shocking research has revealed that the average bedroom floor is ten times dirtier than a toilet seat. 地毯看起来有点脏的时候,你可能会很勤...

  • 徒步旅行对健康大有裨益

    20-06-30 Dont Like Running? Try Hiking Instead! 不喜欢跑步?那就试试徒步旅行吧! Hiking outdoors has plenty of perks: nice views, fresh air, and the sounds and smells of nature. 户外徒步运动有很多好处:漂亮的景色,新鲜的空气,大自然的最原始的声音和味道。 Its...

  • 左眼跳财右眼跳灾?眼皮跳身体健康息息相关

    20-06-21 俗话说左眼跳财右眼跳灾,虽然这是一种迷信的说法,眼皮跳不能预示凶兆,但是眼皮跳却与你的身体健康息息相关。 Stress 压力 This is the number-one reason for a twitching eye, according to ophthalmologists. When were under a lot of pressure, the body releas...

  • 肠道微生物或有助延长锻炼时间

    20-06-21 The microbes in our intestines help keep us healthy, strengthening our immune systems and promoting metabolism. But they may also give us a leg up when it comes to moving our legs upand down again, rapidly and repeatedlybecause a new study finds tha...

  • 克服懒惰的五个简单小妙招

    20-06-21 Number one, lazy innovation. 第一,懒惰与创新。 Theres a common saying that necessity is the mother of innovation. Every new invention aims to satisfy some kind of need. People needed to see without wearing glasses, so someone invented contacts. Peo...