文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2011-01-12 03:07 字体: [ ]  进入论坛

The results of a study recently published in the journal Biology Letters indicate that giant pandas need old-growth forests as much as bamboo forests. This work, which was completed through the collaborative(合作的) efforts of scientists from the Chinese Academy of Science, San Diego Zoo Global, China West Normal University, China Wildlife Conservation Association and the Sichuan Forestry1 Department, could assist conservationists in creating strategic plans that help conserve2 this critically endangered bear species. "In this study we show that pandas are associated with old-growth forests more than with any ecological3 variable(变量的) other than bamboo," said, Ron Swaisgood, Ph.D., one of the authors of the work and a panda researcher with the San Diego Zoo. "This finding indicates that in order to conserve this species, we need to conserve both bamboo and old-growth forests."

The study, which was conducted from 1999 through 2003, includes data collected from the panda's range in the Sichuan province of China. A key element to the success of this endeavor was the scale of the study, which contributed important information.

"But maps and measures of habitat suitability are only as good as the underlying4 biological assumptions, which are sometimes influenced by the scale over which data are obtained, " states the study. "Modellers of panda habitat(栖息地) have not ignored the available ecological databut have been forced to rely on data collected over limited temporal and spatial5(空间的) scales."

Giant pandas are unique among bear species for their reliance on an almost completely herbivorous(食草的) diet that consists largely of bamboo. This dependence6 on a bamboo diet has indicated the importance of conserving7 bamboo forests in order to conserve giant pandas. Information about the panda's additional dependence on old-growth forests is expected to affect conservation efforts for this species in the future.


1 forestry 8iBxk     
  • At present, the Chinese forestry is being at a significant transforming period. 当前, 我国的林业正处于一个重大的转折时期。
  • Anhua is one of the key forestry counties in Hunan province. 安化县是湖南省重点林区县之一。
2 conserve vYRyP     
  • He writes on both sides of the sheet to conserve paper.他在纸张的两面都写字以节省用纸。
  • Conserve your energy,you'll need it!保存你的精力,你会用得着的!
3 ecological IrRxX     
  • The region has been declared an ecological disaster zone.这个地区已经宣布为生态灾难区。
  • Each animal has its ecological niche.每种动物都有自己的生态位.
4 underlying 5fyz8c     
  • The underlying theme of the novel is very serious.小说隐含的主题是十分严肃的。
  • This word has its underlying meaning.这个单词有它潜在的含义。
5 spatial gvcww     
  • This part of brain judges the spatial relationship between objects.大脑的这部分判断物体间的空间关系。
  • They said that time is the feeling of spatial displacement.他们说时间是空间位移的感觉。
6 dependence 3wsx9     
  • Doctors keep trying to break her dependence of the drug.医生们尽力使她戒除毒瘾。
  • He was freed from financial dependence on his parents.他在经济上摆脱了对父母的依赖。
7 conserving b57084daff81d3ab06526e08a5a6ecc3     
v.保护,保藏,保存( conserve的现在分词 )
  • Contour planning with or without terracing is effective in conserving both soil and moisture. 顺等高线栽植,无论做或不做梯田对于保持水土都能有效。 来自辞典例句
  • Economic savings, consistent with a conserving society and the public philosophy. 经济节约,符合创建节约型社会的公共理念。 来自互联网
TAG标签: China forest panda bamboo