April Love
文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2008-04-26 08:44 字体: [ ]  进入论坛

I fell in love in April

  When everything was fresh and new

  To me it gave my heart a thrill

  That first day I met you

  Now April days are filled with rain

  But love is in our heart

  So all pretty flowers fill our lane

  And spring is off to a good start

  Not all our days are perfect

  Some are sad or even blue

  But all are filled with respect

  And through it all I know I have you

  Remembering the first time you gave me a rose

  A fragrant scent, a peachy color

  Answering yes, to you who first propose

  From you a person filled with much valor

  You impressed me from the start

  With qualities of honor and integrity

  You spoke well and were smart

  Your honest friendship and dependability

上一篇:My God's Heart 下一篇:混血女