日期:2022-06-07 1. 如果是某位大家都熟知的公众人物去世了,听到这个消息,你可以说: What? Are you serious? 啊?这是真的吗? I cant believe it. 真是难以置信。 2. 一个你不太熟悉的人去世了,你从另一个跟TA也不太熟悉的人那儿听到这个噩耗: A: Hey, did you hear about Jack G... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-07 1. I had a puncture when I was driving back from work. 我下班回家的时候车胎扎了。 2. My cars been having engine trouble recently. 我的车发动机最近经常出问题。 3. I left my car lights on and now the battery is flat. 我忘关车灯了。现在电都没了。 4. I... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-07 1. take the cake: 名列第一;优胜 Of all the hard-hearted women, she takes the cake. 女性中能像她那么铁石心肠的,恐怕再也没谁了。 2. eat humble pie: 忍气吞声;低头认罪 I think Im right, but if Im wrong, Ill eat humble pie. 我觉得我是对的。不过如果能... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-07 1. I am more than positive Ill die alone. 我几乎可以确信我要孤独终老了。 2. Wait, I cant tell if hes flirting or just being friendly. 哎?他这是对我有好感么,还是只是表示友好而已。 3. Should I text my ex? 要不要给前任发个短信? 4. If need be, Ill ma... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-07 1. It is normally the sort of show I would hate. 原本我是不会看这种剧的。 2. But Ive found myself tuning in to it week after week. 但一周周的看下来,我发现自己已经中毒。 3. Thats a hell of a story. 剧情太赞了。 4. The leads have done full justice to... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-07 1. dry spell: 空窗期 spell这里是一段时间的意思。 After their breackup in August, she had a 4-month dry spell from guys. 自八月与男友分手后,她已经连续四个月空窗了。 2. beta orbiter: 甘当备用男友的人,伺机男 这是一个形容男性的词,指那些主动围在女性身... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-07 1. fair: 白皙的 She has fair skin. 她皮肤白皙。 2. ruddy: 红润的 Her face was ruddy and healthy-looking. 她面色红润,看上去很健康。 3. dewy: 水润的 The make-up artist has revealed all her dewy skin secrets. 化妆师毫无保留地分享了她保持皮肤水润的秘诀... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-07 1. rock: 这里的rock不仅指穿、戴,而且尤指穿戴得好看、得体、时尚 Harper Beckham really rocks a top bun. 小七头顶发鬏太可爱了。 She can still rock a miniskirt. 她穿迷你裙还是很好看。 There are celebrities over 40 years old who can still rock a tattoo.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-07 1. reserved: 拘谨;矜持;内向 The English have a reputation for being reserved. 英国人以矜持闻名。 2. goofy: 傻的;疯疯癫癫的 I like Jim, but hes a little goofy. 我喜欢吉姆,但是他有点傻乎乎的。 3. accommodating: 乐于助人的;与人方便的 Im sure shell... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-07 1. wallflower: 壁花;害羞、不擅社交的人,多指女孩 I met this gorgeous girl, a bit of a wallflower, but very sweet. 我见过这个美女,虽然有点害羞,但人很好。 2. weirdo: 怪人 What did he mean by that? Weirdo! 他那是什么意思?怪咖! 3. drama queen: 小题... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-07 AEAP - as early as possible 尽早 ASL - age, sex, location 年龄、性别、所在地 ATM - at the moment 此刻,马上 AFAIK - as far as I know 据我所知 BFF - best friends forever 死党,永远的好朋友 BRB - be right back 很快回来 BTW - by the way 顺便问一句 FWIW... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-07 b4 - before y - why u - you ur - your 2 - to gr8 - great l8r - later k - OK thx - thanks bf - boyfriend gf - girlfriend pls - please ppl - people sry - sorry w/ - with b/w - between b/c - because w/o - without adr - address f2f - face-to-face... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-07 1. secret sauce: 秘诀,由其原意秘制酱料引申而来 The professor shared the secret sauce to a companys success. 教授跟大家分享了公司经营成功的秘诀。 2. break the Internet: 使网络瘫痪,某人、某消息太火,在网上疯传,网络都快被它搞瘫痪了 Kardashian broke... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-07 1、Dont store fruits together. 不要把水果放在一起。 Many fruits, such as bananas, avocados and peaches, produce ethylene gas, which acts like a ripening hormone and can speed up the ripening process of other produce. 许多水果,如香蕉、牛油果和桃子,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-05-27 1.我还不是为你好? Im doing this for your own good. 2.在外面要注意身体。 Take care of yourself when youre not at home. 3.多穿点衣服。 Wrap up warm. 4.压岁钱我先帮你存着。 Ill keep your new years gift money for you. 5.到了给我打电话啊! Call me when y... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-05-24 外貌年龄高矮胖瘦和年龄也是人们的敏感点,fat、thin、old这种词当面最好还是不要说,太容易冒犯人(cause offense)。 下面给出一些机智的替代词(alternatives),注意在使用的时候,最好再加上些缓和语气的修饰词,比如a bit或 a little 。 胖(fat)还能怎么说: 1... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-05-24 宠物也是家庭成员,如果养的宠物正遭受病痛折磨,很多主人会考虑让它们解脱痛苦(put it out of its misery),也就是animal euthanasia(安乐死)。 1. put down We had to put our cat down as she was very ill. 我们不得不让我们的猫安乐死,她已经病入膏肓了。 2.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-05-24 1. pass away 过世,这是很常见的代替die这个词的表达,带有哀悼和尊敬的意味。 Her uncle passed away last year. 她叔叔去年过世了。 2. lost his/her battle 被病魔打败,一般指人和病魔抗争,最终没能战胜病魔而死去。 My brother lost his battle with lung cance... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-05-24 economical with the truth 很少提供实情的,谎话连篇的。 I discovered that my boss had been economical with the truth when she said that the company was making money. 我发现老板说公司盈利其实隐瞒了真相。 1. be disadvantaged,即处境不利的,生活条件差的... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-05-24 1. full and frank discussion 表面意思即深入而坦率的探讨,这是一种礼貌的说法,表示争吵或责难(reprimand)。 The directors had a full and frank discussion in the meeting. 主管们在会上争执不休。 2. have words with someone Words(注意是复数)有口角、争... 阅读全文>>

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