Breathing exercises 呼吸训练的益处
文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2024-03-28 02:25 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
  Breathing exercises 呼吸训练的益处
  专家建议可以通过做呼吸训练来帮助应对焦虑、压力和失眠等问题,因为调节呼吸可以让人转移注意力、放松身体,从而减少焦虑。本期 “随身英语” 节目介绍呼吸训练的原理和益处。
  词汇:breathing 呼吸
  Struggling with insomnia? Worried by anxiety? The first piece of advice that you are likely to see is to try breathing exercises. From ancient yoga practitioners to modern health professionals, experts have made this recommendation. But how can simple breathing activities have such a significant effect on our mental and physical health?
  Once we consider how essential oxygen is for life, it might seem obvious that focusing on this can help our health. Our nervous system instinctively regulates the flow of oxygen into our lungs. Possibly because of body image concerns, many people hold in their stomachs, taking shallow breaths. This can lead our body to increase our breathing rate to compensate.
  Our breathing also gets faster when we're stressed or anxious. When this happens, our sympathetic nervous system triggers a fight-or-flight response. As well as affecting breathing, this increases our heart rate and produces adrenaline to prepare our muscles for action. Stress and anxiety can thus be linked with rapid breathing.
  To recover from a threat, our parasympathetic nervous system can put our body into a rest-and-digest state allowing us to relax and be calm. In this state, breathing and heart rates slow. However, it appears that slow, deep breathing can also make this happen. It's also notable that when we focus on breathing techniques, we can be distracted from the issues that are causing us stress.
  Experts recommend using our diaphragm to inhale deeply, filling our lungs completely and then holding our breath for a few seconds before exhaling. Other recommended techniques include breathing through alternating nostrils. So next time you feel anxious or stressed, why not try some breathing techniques to help you relax?
  insomnia 失眠
  anxiety 焦虑,不安
  breathing exercise 呼吸训练
  oxygen 氧气
  instinctively 本能地
  flow 供应,流动
  lung 肺,肺部
  shallow (呼吸)浅的
  breath 气息
  breathing rate 呼吸频率
  sympathetic nervous system 交感神经系统
  fight-or-flight response 战斗或逃跑反应
  rapid breathing 呼吸急促
  parasympathetic nervous system 副交感神经系统rest-and-digest state (身体的)“休息和消化” 状态breathing technique 呼吸技巧
  diaphragm (横)隔膜
  inhale 吸气
  hold someone's breath 屏住呼吸
  exhale 呼气
  nostril 鼻孔

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