• Sean and the Birthday Cake

    20-05-14 Sean likes food. He likes fruit and vegetables. He likes bread and cakes. He likes fish and dairy products. He likes meat. He eats everything! One day he goes to a party. It is a birthday party for his friend Leo. He enjoys the party with his friend...

  • What are You Talking About?

    20-05-13 Jane and Laura are walking to the mall. They want to buy new clothes. Jane has some money and Laura has some money. Suddenly, Jane is calling: Laura! Laura! Look at that dress! Isnt it beautiful? I want that dress, but I dont have enough money. Laur...

  • Emily's Secret

    20-05-13 Emily is 8 years old. She lives in a big house. She has a huge room. She has many toys and she has a lot of friends. But Emily is not happy. She has a secret. She doesnt want to tell anyone about her secret. She feels embarrassed. The problem is tha...

  • April's Month

    20-05-13 There was a nice little girl. She was 10 years old. Her name was April. One day, April asked her parents why she was called April. Her mother answered that she was called April because she was born in April. The little girl was very happy to hear th...

  • Daniel Loves the Beach

    20-05-13 Every Saturday Daniel and his family go to the beach. They live far from the beach, but once a week the family gets into the car and Daniels father drives for hours until they arrive. Daniels parents love the beach. Daniel and his sister and brother...

  • 女性缺乏运动会增加患卵巢癌的风险

    20-04-16 两项新的研究表明,缺乏锻炼会增加患卵巢癌和疾病死亡的风险。研究人员发现,生活中没有娱乐体力活动的人比那些经常锻炼的人患卵巢癌的可能性增加了百分之34。 Two new studies suggest lack of exercise is associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer and o...

  • 关于中药 Chinese Herbal Medicine

    20-04-14 Genuine Chinese people have found thousands of plants and herbs associated With the treatment of diseases, so herbal medicine is really a large system. Doctors would analyze their nature or property such as cold and hot or yin and yang, use all sort...

  • 英语阅读:一则机场广播

    20-03-09 Hello. Passengers of flight 17 bound for Caracas, with stops in Atlanta and Miami. The departure gate has been changed to 30B. Also, there will be a slight departure delay due to inclement (1)weather outside. The ground crew (2)is in the process...

  • 英语阅读:关于新型冠状病毒

    20-03-09 2019年12月份中国发生多起肺炎病例,调查显示是有一种之前不知道的病毒的引起的--现在被命名为2019新型冠装病毒。 In December 2019, there was a cluster of pneumonia cases in China. Investigations found that it was caused by a previously unknown virus now n...

  • 大学池塘里发现真菌新品种

    11-05-12 Researchers at the University of Exeter have uncovered a 'missing link' in the fungal(=fungus,真菌的) tree of life after analysing samples taken from the university's pond. Their study, published today [11 May] in Nature, explains the discovery o...